13 - Unplanned Escape

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Camilla's POV

I wake up on the stone bed. My back hurts. My legs hurt. Everywhere hurts.

I stand up and look around in search of Eric, he isn't here. What if he's dead. Goddess, please let it not be. But I'm smelling Jacob.

'He was here,' Aurora says.

'I'm wearing his clothes, it's just his scent from the clothes,'

'Where is Eric? I feel so lonely right now and our mate is a butthead, but his wolf, oh *swoons* he is cute,'

'Don't be like that, you're not alone, you have me,'

'You know this kind of inspirational shitty talk doesn't work on me right?'

'You're cocky, fun killer,' I say to her and laugh.

'I'm not.Your mind is a mess. It's way too crowded. I'm off, I have some arrangements to do. See ya other half,' she says and waves at me.

I come back to reality and I miss her already.

At least I won't be bored all day, I have Aurora and she's my best friend now.

'Hey! Stop thinking, I'm trying to arrange stuff and you're giving me more work. And stop saying sweet things about me. You'll make me fall sick,' she says sharply with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

'Yes bestie,' I tease her and block her out before she cusses at me.

"Hello little matie," the voice of my mate echoes through the room.

"You look good with yellow pupils," he says and I look at him confused.

"I mean your eyes dumbass," he says and points to my face.

"I'm not a dumbass!" I yell at him.

"Now listen! Don't you dare yell at me again. I've let you go too far and I will not let you do that again," he says in a threatening manner.

I whimper but my wolf stays strong.

Sometimes I wish I was the wolf and she was the human.

"Do your worst," she says through me to him. I guess she hates him as much as I do.

I love my wolf, she isn't dragging me towards him. She isn't surrendering to the mate pull. She's being considerate and helpful.

'Thank you'

I say to her, hoping she heard me.

"Woah, hold your wolfy. Before I hurt her," he says in a sickly voice.

"Like she said. Do. You're. Worst." I say taunting him. My voice comes out strong and purposeful, just the way I wanted it to be.

He hits me across my cheek and blood gathers in my mouth as I bit my tongue.

"A man who hits a woman is no man. You coward. You're a damn coward!" I yell and he hits me again.

"You're a damn coward!" I yell again and he hits me, again.

And it goes on like this for hours until I lose all my strength to fight and his knuckles bled when I bit him trying to defend myself.

I curl up into a ball and cry, I cry the whole night knowing that I am constantly abused by my mate.

This isn't how I thought my mate would be. He should love me, appreciate me, tell me I'm beautiful and smart and hardworking.

But this mate of mine hits me, cusses at me, yells at me. The only thing left for him to do is take advantage of me and I don't care, he's already done so much.


"Please! Please help!" I yell.

"You don't need help, burn!" One of the men cries out.

"Please I don't want to die, the flames are burning my skin!" I yell again.

"Burn already you witch, we don't want to see you anymore!"

"Yeah! You're dead to us!"

"Burn you witch, burn!"

"See! She's peeling!"

I look at my skin, it's melting and falling off.

"Please help me, it's painful," I say, but they don't help me. They stare and laugh at me. Pointing at my skin.

While I melt, melt into the fire...

I just realised it, why didn't I think about it sooner. We all know this simple truth;

Death is magical.....


"Noo!!!" I yell. I am on the floor, beads of sweat roll down my face. My nails digging into my palms.

A wave of hotness hits me and I scream.

I am going through...heat!

'Mate mate mate! Please I need him! We need him!' My wolf yells.

I can't let him touch me or anyone touch me either.

Another wave of pain hits me and I scream and roll to the ground.

The guard comes to the cell door and unlocks it. He enters the cell, leaving the door open.

"Someone help me" I try to yell but my voice comes out dry and raspy.

Another wave of heat hits me and I clench my fists to my side and scream. I don't know when tears start falling out of my eyes but they do. I cry and the guard comes even closer. He kneels beside me and touches my face, his eyes were pitch black, with lust swirling in them.

I'm in my heat. It's just like the period human girls face but worse, way worse. It happens when a woman meets her mate, after a week or so. The moon goddess put it to quicken the mating process between mates, trust me, she knew what she did when she made this thing called heat. It's like pouring liquid lava on your body and letting it drip down. In simple terms, it burns.

The guard starts to touch me in places that I don't like to be touched.

Another wave hits me, and another one and another one. I can't fight it. It keeps on coming.

I know no one will help me, not even my sick mate, not like I want him to, but for my wolf.

With all my strength I kick the guard in his stomach and send him flying across the cell. The door was still open, this is my time to run. Luckily it's still night and I won't get caught.

I try my best and stand up.

Time for an unplanned escape, during heat.


Hello! I rewrote this chapter twice, I wasn't sure of what I wanted in it and I already figured out that Jacob wasn't going to help her.

So will she escape? Will she get caught? Or will her smell attract a lot of attention? Does she know what to do to get through this during heat?

I think Camilla is smart enough though. I think she knows what to do. Throw in your thoughts and suggestions here!

Thanks! Xoxo

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