[9] The Answer

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A/N: Here is the re-written version of chapter nine. In my opinion, it is so much better and went rather well!

The video on the right is a certain song that I haven't been able to get off my head for an entire week now >:(

Kohana cradled her arm with the other, solemnly staring down at Chiyo’s grave. In her mind, there was nothing even remotely related to sadness at the thought of what Chiyo did. The old woman did what she did to save Gaara—there was nothing more to it. Therefore, she felt nothing else.

Although, it wasn’t like Kohana wasn’t aware of these kinds of thoughts. She was very much attentive when it came to the wanderings of her mind. However she had no desire to do anything about it. She just dealt with it all this time. There was no such right for her to feel sad about Chiyo dying—regardless of how honourable the woman’s act was.

Fuyu Kohana was a murderer, and that was that. Murderers had no rights to feel sorrow over the deaths of others. Kohana was not sure though, whether or not she had the right to feel sorrow if one of her loved ones died. Though, she had the utmost certainty that she would feel agony if anyone in Team 7 were to pass away,

About Sasuke, though, she didn’t know.

She saw him as a threat to Konoha, and she saw him as someone who had chosen to stray from Team 7 and therefore was not a part of the family.

But there was something else. She knew she was overlooking so many things, but whenever she would go on that train of thought, another part of her would form a wall.

It seemed that for the most half of her being, she didn’t want the rest of her to remember anything about Sasuke. All she saw now were his red eyes... and they weren’t the eyes she knew the old Sasuke would use to protect. She saw the eyes of another murderer like her.

Maybe Kohana was being a hypocrite, and maybe not... but she knew that they both had different outlooks of life.  She could still remember interfering with Sasuke’s affairs for most of the times they spent together. She remembered seeing herself as a failure because, well, of letting him slip from her fingers like that.

Nonetheless, she’d stop her thinking from there. Sasuke was not worth pondering over; she always realized this. The young man won’t listen to anything they would say.

Perhaps that was why she always saw no use in pursuing him. Sasuke left of his own will; he wasn’t being controlled or anything—maybe he was being controlled by the traumas of his past, but no one had the right to tell him he could fight his past and live in the present. Sasuke did not have the ability to do that. He had no ability whatsoever to get over something as gruesome as that night. Sasuke was never brave to begin with. Like Naruto, Kohana saw him as a reckless idiot... but Naruto was still different from Sasuke.

His eyes were open, while the latter’s weren’t.

Ever since the time Sasuke met Orochimaru, he’d become blind.

Naruto’s yellow eyebrows furrowed at the bitter expression on Kohana’s face. What was his sister thinking? If he was still good at reading his sister’s expressions, he could have sworn that she seemed indifferent when staring at Chiyo’s grave. And although that bothered him, the change that occurred in her face was even worse than the first look.

He gripped the straps of his bag, disheartened as he kept his eyes busy by staring at the engraved characters on the deceased old woman’s gravestone. Before that, he had already said his ‘thank you’s to the woman and was left pondering over many things while waiting for Sakura.

Now that there was still time, he never really began to think about the things he noticed about his sister. Indeed, she was as pretty as always, and no doubt had she gotten stronger just like everyone else they knew, but there was something strange.

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