[17] Haunting

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A/N: The dream isn't as nightmarish or graphic as I wanted it to be. So... sorry about that :)

She slowly descended to her knees and bowed her head down, her hands pressing firmly against her ears. There were screams all around her; the strength and volume of the voices all together released violent vibrations that frightened her to no end. Her nails clawed at her temples as her toes curled in as though she was experiencing pain. In fact, she was… though not in a physical manner.

Kohana bit her lip, trying to suck in a breath, but all she could breathe in was the suffocating smoke of a fire burning wood and the scent of blood. Her long red hair was whipped around by a fierce wind, and she could feel heat on her skin. It was a different heat though—compared to the kind she experienced around katon jutsu. This kind of high temperature was something she wanted nothing do with. This one was blistering and its purpose was not for self defense, but the flames around her swallowed everyone and burned everything to the ground. This kind of heat was the cause of something already being destroyed and for a reason she didn’t want to know.

There were many cries of women, men and most of all, children. Feet furiously kicked at the dirt underneath Kohana’s knees. She already knew what was happening, but didn’t know why she was there… and didn’t know why all of this was happening in the first place.

And so, she raised her head and removed her hands from her ears. She was right this whole time; destruction was everywhere. Death, agony, sorrow… she could see all during this one moment and in one single glimpse. Faceless people ran around in panic, leaving behind streaks of blood and horrendous echoes of terrified shrieks and sobs. So many screamed for help, yet hardly anyone came to rescue. Beyond the tall flames in the background, Kohana couldn’t really see the sky—rather, she couldn’t see the sky she knew. This sky was red, grey and black mixed all together and was something no one would take as a good sign.

Kohana felt like crying; she didn’t know what all of this meant and she definitely wanted to leave. How? She certainly did not have the answer to that.

Shutting her eyes, she tried to block everything out. She didn’t know what to do and didn’t know why she needed to do something. She’d never felt so useless and confused in her entire life.

When heavy footsteps began to approach her, she opened her eyes slightly, hoping for someone to rescue her—to take her away from the hell she didn’t want to become associated with. She noticed that her hands, which were glued to the dirty, blood-stained ground were filthy. The dirt of charcoal covered her once pale and pure skin and dried blood covered the majority of it as well.

However, right in front of her hands were a pair of black boots. The owner’s feet were large, and she could feel its presence looming over her. She didn’t like the new feeling she received.

She began to tremble and cry. Her tears suddenly felt cold amidst all of the fire’s heat. She could taste the salt of them in her mouth, which was open to release shaky, pathetic sobs.

It was not long before she heaved through her lungs—heaved for the air she longed for. She heaved for the air that she lived the rest of her life with.

Then, a glimpse of crimson and a beautiful, shining shade of gold crossed her vision just as she raised her head. Before she knew it, she was lifted into the air and the scenery changed.

The one who carried her was running, breathing heavy and strained, sounding just as desperate to breathe just as she was earlier. The arms that held her, she realized, began to provide her with something that she needed and wanted. The person that carried her provided her with something that she longed for, and she was all too familiar with it. However, she was still unable to describe it.

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