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⚠⚠ Violence

(oh, also, I don't like the idea of them switching from and too werewolves without clothes, so they're still dressed, okay? lol)

Jungkook's eyes were a dark red as he let out a loud growl. He had the hooded girl pinned to a chain fence near an alley close to the club he and Namjoon chased her out of. "What was that for?! Who are you and what are you trying to do to my mate!?" He yelled at her, she flinched but grabbed onto his wrist, trying to pull away his hand that was tightly wrapped around her neck, but not enough to kill her, even though Jungkook was very capable of ending her right there and then..but he needed answers first, for all he knows, there might be more than just one from this girl's pack to achieve the same thing with unfriendly intentions towards Taehyung. "L-l-let me g-go.." The girl stuttered, trying to break free of Jungkook's grasp, Jungkook: "Why is that all you say? What did you hurt my mate for? Answer everything I ask and I'll free you. Who are you?" He asked slowly, "K-kim M-Minji-" Jungkook let her go harshly, causing her to fall to the floor. She coughed and began gasping for air, Jungkook rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, waiting for her to recover. Namjoon: "What do you have against his mate?" Minji glared at Namjoon, "Can't you give me a minute?! That idiot almost killed me!" "Sure. If I almost killed you, you wouldn't be talking right now." Minji rolled her eyes and looked up at the alpha's, Minji: "So what? You caught me..what do you want now? To take me back to your pack and kill me there?" "Quit trying to be smart. Answer this..where did you come from and why are you continously going after my mate?" Minji looked at an expressionless Namjoon before looking back at Jungkook, "Answer me!" He shouted, causing her to flinch, then she scoffed, Minji: "Your little Omega means nothing to me. It's my father, the head of my pack who wants him. My father always gets his way, Jungkook. If you and your little friends decide to keep Taehyung away from him, he'll simply kill him, and then no one can have what the rare little wolf has." She smiled, Jungkook: "What is that supposed to mean?" Minji: "Your his mate and you don't know? I shouldn't be surprised." She stood up and brushed off her skirt, Jungkook: "What you say doesn't hurt me, just know that if you ever come close to hurting Taehyung again, I will end you." She hid her shiver by crossing her arms, she walked further away from the two Alpha's to make sure they weren't following her, then she quickly turned back into her wolf form and ran out of the alleyway. Jungkook took a mental picture of her wolf before she disapeared from his sight. Namjoon: "That's it? You don't want to know anything else from her?" Jungkook: "We have to play this safe, play it smart, unlike her, she may have only gave us her name and what she looks like, but if we go back to my father's building we could search her name. I know you can, right?" Namjoon nodded, "That's true." Jungkook sighed, "Let's finish this in the morning, It's late and I'm sure I need to go see Taehyung. I'll text you later?" Namjoon: "Yeah, sounds good. Go rest, we have a lot to do tomorrow." Jungkook nodded, both him and Namjoon turned back into their wolf forms and went back home.

As soon as Jungkook entered, he could smell Taehyung's scent mixed with Jimin's, but most importantly, Taehyung's. It wasn't his usual scent, and even though they weren't officially mated yet, Jungkook could almost feel the pain Taehyung was in even though he was sleeping. Jungkook changed out of his clothes into something more comfortable. He went to the side of the bed and shook Jimin awake, "You can go now, Jimin..I'm here now." Jimin groaned and rolled off the bed, Jimin: "Jungkook, please take care of him." "I will, I promise. Oh, it's late..you can sleep in the guest room if you want." Jimin nodded, "Thank you." After Jimin went to the other room, Jungkook closed the door and layed down behind Taehyung. He hugged him gently and sniffed his familiar scent by Tae's neck, Taehyung: "Jungkook..?" Jungkook: "Hey Tae..are you okay?" Taehyung turned to face Jungkook, wincing at the pain in his side. Jungkook: "Be careful.." Taehyung: "I'm happy you came." Jungkook: "Of course Tae..I wouldn't just leave you, I love you." Taehyung: "I love you too." Jungkook stroked Tae's jaw with his thumb and smiled, "Namjoon and I, and hopefully with the help of some of my pack, we're going to make sure that wolf doesn't bother you anymore. Ever. I'm going to protect you." Taehyung: "I trust you, Kookie..but what do you mean that she won't bother me anymore?" Jungkook: "Remember that wolf that kept watching you?" Taehyung nodded, Jungkook: "She's the one who hurt you tonight, and I have everything I need to know about her for now.." Taehyung: "Your eyes are red.." He mumbled and hugged Jungkook, Jungkook's eyes went back to his normal, beautiful brown color and he kissed the Omega's head. Jungkook: "I'll protect you, Taehyung, I promise." Taehyung: "Wait..Kook, do you work tomorrow?" Jungkook: "I'll go in later, I want to make sure you'll be fine..maybe Jimin can even stay with you?" Taehyung nodded, "And if not, I can still go..maybe I can just lay on the couch and accompany you." Taehyung giggled, which made Jungkook smile, "Sure pup, I'd love that. I'll think about it, just take it easy for now, okay?" Taehyung nodded, Jungkook stretched and pulled Taehyung closer, Jungkook: "Let's sleep now, okay?" Taehyung nodded, "Okay. Goodnight, Kook." Jungkook: "Hey, Taehyung?" Taehyung opened his eyes and faced Jungkook, "Yes Jung-" He was quickly cut off as Jungkook held Tae's chin gently and placed a soft kiss on his lips. When Jungkook pulled back, he saw Taehyung's face that was a bright shade of red, even visible in the dim lit room. Jungkook smiled, Taehyung's eyes turned blue as he smiled, Taehyung: "You know..that was the first time we actually kissed.." Jungkook chuckled at Taehyung's cute pout, "You're right..and it was amazing." Taehyung giggled, "I love you." Jungkook whispered, Taehyung looked at him with blue eyes, "I love you too." And with that, they both drifted off to sleep.

So..that was just a quick chapter cause I wanted to add on, sorry it's short. Anyways, I'm gonna try to make the next few chapters more direct..I feel like it's still a little all over the place (the plot) 😫 Anyways 💜

(Here's a picture of the 'mysetery wolf' You'll learn more later, I'm not a big fan of using Idols I don't stan like BlackPink for example, but some people say it's easier to create a picture in their mind, so we'll see..anyways, I found a outfit online that suits her, so here it is, okay now byeee)

anyways, I found a outfit online that suits her, so here it is, okay now byeee)

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