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(i forgot to explain this- JK and his dad are like..rich rich, because of his fathers company, plus he's a true blood and many people like him, ok)

It was now eight thirty pm. Jungkook had just arrived at his father's company. Dressed wearing black pants and a new white button up shirt. He scanned the crowd before making his way to the curved stairs where his father stood, watching over the railing. "Hey." Jungkook mumbled, Mr.Jeon: "Son! You made it. Thank you for coming. As I said-" Jungkook: "Yeah, yeah, I remember what you said. When is this guy coming anyways? If I need to be here long, i'm gonna need a drink."  Mr. Jeon: "No, Jungkook! I will not let you get drunk. Don't you remember I said this was important?" Jungkook shrugged, "So, is he not here yet?" Mr.Jeon sighed. "No, not yet. You can go, just keep your phone on so I can contact you when he gets here." Jungkook: "Yeah, fine, sure." Jungkook turned to leave down the stairs. "Hey." He heard behind him, turning his head to look, there was Yoongi. He was wearing a black suit. Jungkook: "Oh, hey Yoongi." Yoongi: "It's pretty crowded in here, huh?" Jungkook: "Exactly." Yoongi: "Hey, let's go outside. I saw some chairs set up out there, i'll tell Seokjin to meet us over there?" Jungkook nods and leads the way to the front yard of his fathers mansion. A few bodyguards bowing to him as he walks by, finally, once he sits, he rests his head back and sighs. Yoongi sets his phone down on his lap, Yoongi: "What's up with you these days?" Jungkook looks at him, "What? Nothing." Yoongi: "Kook, you know what mean." Jungkook: "Don't call me that." Yoongi sighs, "Alright, fine..but just know it's not alright to keep your feelings inside and i'll still be avaliabe to talk to if you need it." Jungkook nods, "Ok, thanks." Yoongi: "I'm gonna go see if I can find Jin. Be back." Jungkook nods, once Yoongi leaves, he rests his head back again..that is until a familiar scent caught his attention. He's definitly smelled this before, he opened his eyes and looked at some of the people being let into the mansion. The crowd was smaller now, he got up and walkked slowly, tryng to lay eyes on the person who he scented. Then there, Jungkook stopped, a boy who had brown-caramel honey like hair was walking and giggling with a almost taller guy. Jungkook could feel his eyes become a dark red with jealousy, but he immediatly came back to his senses before emitting a growl, he went inside after realizing the boy was no longer in his sight. He went around slowly, trying to find him from far when- "Ow-ch.." Jungkook looked down, a boy half his height and had the same exact honey hair as who he saw outside..this is who he saw at that cafe..what was his name..? Taehyung: "Rude..you bumped into me like that and now you're just going to stare at me like that?!" The shorter said, attitude visible in his voice. Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts, "I'm sor- wait..you can't speak to me like that." Taehyung looked up at him, Taehyung: "Oh.." He said, finally realizing who Jungkook was as well..Taehyung: "You came to the cafe earlier, right? Sorry..I overeacted..what are you doing here?" Jungkook: "I should ask you the same." Jungkook tried blocking out his emotions by putting up his cold side, just to avoid cooing at the shorter as he pouted from his attitude. Taehyung: "Hey, I said sorry.." He mumbled, Jungkook just shook his head, "I kind of own the place. See him?" He nodded towards his father, Taehyung nodded. "That's my father." Taehyung: "Oh! That's so cool! So you will run Jeon HQ soon?" He giggled, which sounded a lot prettier in Jungkook's ears than it should have been. He just shrugs and started walking, the shorter following. Jungkook: "What was your name again?" Taehyung: "It's Taehyung...you must have bad memory." Jungkook: "Hey! I do not..I'm a busy guy." Taehyung: "Hmm..well anyways, it was nice to meet you again." Taehyung stopped and smiled shyly, Jungkook: "You're leaving?" Taehyung: "Go back to my friends..we aren't exactly close, you and I, so.." Jungkook quickly nodded, "You're right, I don't know what I was thinking..go on." He said, starting to hide himself back into his colder personality. Taehyung nodded and hopped off to a group of his friends. Jungkook glanced until a hand was felt on his shoulder. He looked at the owner of the hand and brushed it off, Mr.Jeon: "Son, he is here. Let's go."


Now that Jungkook was free to go, and it was almost eleven at night, he was waiting at the front of the mansion for his ride. He stood against the door frame, the cool night wind blowing through his dark hair, just watching as other guests left. He turned once a very audible sigh was let out of..Taehyung's mouth. He watched Taehyung sit on a stool and play with his fingers before walking to him. He cleared his throat, Taehyung looked up immdeietly. Taehyung: "Oh, h-hi." Jungkook: "Why are you still here? The event ended at ten thirty." Taehyung: "I know, but my friend got himself drunk and I.." Taehyung stopped, Jungkook: "What? You can't drive..?" Tae shook his head. Jungkook checked his phone and sighed, "C'mon..i'll take you." Taehyung: "W-what..?" Jungkook: "You wanna go home right? C'mon, it's late..I have a ride just there. We'll go straight to your house first." Taehyung nodded shyly and followed Jungkook out.

Taehyung layed down on his bed after his shower. He was nineteen, yet he still doesn't have a mate, neither could he even unlock the senses to find his. It's not that there's something wrong, he's just blocked out the love emotion, afraid he would get hurt, being a rare male omega. Though tonight..something, just something sparked in him when he talked to Jungkook..he was just closing his eyes when his phone rang- he sighs and presses talk. Taehyung: "Hi hyung." Jimin: "Hey Tae! I'm really sorry about leaving you..I really wasn't aware..but this guy-ugh, he's amazing and-" Taehyung: "Jimin, what did you do?" Jimin: "Mmm...n-nothing. Anyways Tae! Did you have any fun?I saw you talking to a pretty handsome guy, huh?" Taehyung rolls over and sighs, "Jimin~you know how I am about dating.." Jimin: "I know Taehyungie, i'm just saying..you two looked cute." Taehyung: "Please..he doesn't like me. He's not my type." Jimin: "Sure~whatever you say~" Taehyung: "It's late now, I can call you tomorrow." Jimin: "Okay, TaeTae..sleep well!" Jimin: "You too!" With that, Taehyung turned over to fall asleep, what Jimin said about him and Jungkook floating in his mind..but why?

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