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Hi! Okay, so I realized I made a few mistakes as far as my Introduction to the character's. That tends to happen as I get into the story, I forget some things 😅 Anyways, I will be going back through the intro to adjust some things and make it more relatable to the story. Hopefully I don't confuse you. Enjoy! <3

Not proof read.


Jungkook opened his house door, the night's cold breeze running through his hair. He looked up to see Namjoon, though he wasn't alone. Jungkook was shoved back harshly, even though the person who pushed him was small, his strength was intense. He had tears on his face, Namjoon and Yoongi walked in, closing the door behind them. Jungkook stood still, letting the shorter male hit his chest repeatedly, Jimin: "How could you let someone take him like that?! You're his mate- and you knew- You're supposed to protect him.." He trailed off, tears on his cheeks. Jungkook only nodded, keeping his own tears from falling. Jimin was pulled into a hug by Yoongi, Namjoon going to set a few papers on the kitchen table. Jungkook: "Jimin..I know you're his best friend, and I'm sorry..I really am for letting him get hurt. I'm going to find him, I promise." Jimin nodded, tears still falling from his eyes. Jungkook looked to Yoongi, Yoongi: "Jimin, go sit on the couch, try to calm down okay? I need to help Kook. Alright?" He nodded and slowly walked to over to the couch, Yoongi: "Let's go." Jungkook nodded and followed him to the kitchen to see Namjoon sorting out the files. Namjoon: "When is your father supposed to be here?"  Jungkook: "He didn't give me an exact time." Namjoon nods, Yoongi takes a coke from the fridge and sits down while looking back at Jimin on the couch. "I feel so bad.." Jungkook whispers, Yoongi: "He's really close with Taehyung, Kook. He trusts you with him..probably more than you think." Jungkook nods, "I understand.." Namjoon: "Jungkook, while we wait for your father. Can we go over a few plans?" Jungkook nodded, pulling out a chair for himself. "Of course, hyung." Namjoon slid a few papers over to him, Namjoon: "Here. Yoongi created a digital drawing of their entire base online. We just printed them so you could go over them." Jungkook took the papers, putting them all together to create one big picture. "Wow, Yoongi..you did this? This is amazing." Yoongi smiled, Namjoon: "If we use this, we can figure out a way to scout out Taehyung. Do you remember what that girl said? From the pack..what was her name again.." Yoongi starts searching through the papers, remembering him matching a face to a picture, the only girl they actually spoke with from that side. Yoongi: "Minji." He said, holding up a printed picture, Jungkook growled at her name, the memories flooding his mind. His eyes red at the thought of someone hurting his mate again, Namjoon: "Hey Kook, calm down. It's alright, ok?" He put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, Jungkook blinked a few times, his eyes slowly returning to normal as he nodded. "Right..sorry." Yoongi: "It's alright." Namjoon: "From what I remember..her father wanted Taehyung, right? I'm not sure if it's the father trying to set Taehyung up for someone who wants pups, or if the father himself wants to use Taehyung for that reason..either way, he must be somewhere near the father. A room close by. Just to keep an eye on him." Jungkook: "Wait..I have a question." They both stop to look at him, "Taehyung's an Omega. Omega's are rare and people wi;; do almost anything to get one, I get that..but..why is it a big deal? So what you can have pups? Why is it that important they have to do all this?" Yoongi: "That's the confusing part. They clearly need an Omega and their pups for something..as you know, Omega's can be very submissive and are almost always obedient. That's where they use them. Sometimes Alpha's just want that power, to walk around proudly with a mate who can carry pups, or.." He trailed off, looking deep in thought. Jungkook: "What? What's wrong? Hyung?" He looked to Namjoon as Yoongi did so as well. Namjoon: "Nothing, Jungkook. It's just that..a long time ago, there was a Alpha, a very strong Alpha who got his hands on an Omega..they had a plan, get the Omega to have pups, after they be born..the Omega, and the pups would have had an evilness in them. It's passed through the mating process.." Jungkook kept a hard gaze on the table in front of him, thinking about the possibility of the same thing happening to Taehyung. "What happened?" He asked quietly, almost a whisper. Yoongi: "The pups didn't have it, thankfully..the Omega..if he can't be saved then.." Jungkook: "They kill them!?" He shouted, standing up. Namjoon was quick to pull him back down to sit, Namjoon: "Jungkook. It's not going to happen to Tae, okay? I promise, we're going to get him, okay? I promise." Jungkook nodded as Yoongi went to check on Jimin, Namjoon went to get the door for Mr. Jeon. Jungkook closed his eyes for a minute, trying to send silet thought to his Omega.


Taehyung woke up to a dimply lit, pinkish colored room, his arm still sore from the other day..or whatever day that was. He couldn't lie to himself, his memory was not all completely there, and he still had no idea what time it was or how long he had been there. He sat up and looked around better, he was now wearing a long black shirt, he lifted it to see he had on a pair of gray shorts under it. He sighed and looked down, he was now sitting on a actual bed, no longer on the cold floor with a thin blanket and pillow. A small lamp on a dresser and a plate of food and water. He got up quickly, suddenly feeling how hungry he actually was. He grabbed the food and went to sit at a small desk, he wondered why he was suddenly being treated so well..or for now at least. He sat the food on the desk and looked at the water, trying to see if it's been messed with. At that point, he was just too tired and hungry to care, he picked up the glass and drank it halfway quickly before tearing open a bag of chips and unwrapping a sandwhich at the same time. He hummed happily as he took a bite of the food, just happy to finally be eating. He never gave up on trying to mind-link Jungkook, even though they weren't yet mated, he knew their bond was strong, and that gave him hope. He opened his eyes and sat the sandwhich down as a soft knock was heard on the door. He put his head down once it opened, a pair of familiar looking shoes were right infront of him. He looked up to see the man from earlier, the boss of this pack. He gasped and Hongwon chuckled, leaning in to lift Taehyung's chin, looking him over carefully. Hongwon: "Did you miss me, pretty?" Taehyung only pulled his face back and out of the man's grip, Hongwon only nodded. "You seem to be pretty shy now, huh? Is what we gave you working?" Taehyung remembered the shot they gave him that made him fall asleep, he did feel oodly kind, especially to someone like Hongwon, that's what scared him."Wh-why? What d-did you do to me..?" Hongwon smiled, "All I wanted was for you to be a little more obedient towards me. That was going to be too hard for you to do on your own...so we helped you." Taehyung shook his head, "I don't want to change..you're bad." Hongwon chuckled, "How cute, you're no longer that sassy little brat that came in the other day." Taehyung frowned, his 'sassy' side is what made him who he was. That extra character that only certain people adored, like Jungkook.. Hongwon: "How's your leg?" Taehyung's brows furrowed in confusion until he looked down at his leg, there was no pain, so he completely forgot about the injury underneath the white bandage that covered his leg. "I forgot.." He mumbled, Hongwon nodded, "They took care of you well then, good." He looked past Taehyung to see the food tray empty, he stood up and cleared his throat, causing Taehyung to look up at him. Hongwon: "Give me that. I'll have someone send you up more water." Taehyung gave him the small tray, Hongwon was about to step out but stopped and turned back to Taehyung, Hongwon: "Here's this, before I forget." He reached into his long coat's pocket and pulled out a shiny purple item, handing it to Taehyung. Taehyung held his hands out and looked down at his open palms, "A phone..?" He looked up at Hongwon, "You can't make any calls, I'm not letting you out that easy. There's just a few games and movies on there, to keep you from loosing your mind in here." Taehyung powered on the shiny device, a small smile on his face. Hongwon caught it and smirked himself, "T-thank you.." Taehyung whispered, Hongwon: "You're welcome. I'll see you shortly, there's a few more things I have for you." He smiled before leaving the room. His words made Taehyung shiver, but he decided to crawl into bed and look around the phone, trying out a few ot the apps before settling on a drama to watch. He pulled the blanket up to his chin and curled up. Watching the movie was slowly making him fade out into sleep again, but before he did, even though it may have seemed crazy, and he tried to calm down before he jumped to conclusions. He heard a faint voice of his mate, it was almost enough to have him finding a way out or fighting again, but he couldn't. So he just layed there and let sleep take him over.


Taehyung's getting a little bit comfortable with the boss, huh? It's not his fault though. See you in the next chapter  💕

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