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Hi~ double update <3

Jungkook woke up to an empty spot beside him. Well, almost empty. Yeontan's small body was curled up against Taehyung's pillow. Jungkook sighed, sitting up so that he could go find the younger.

Once he cleaned himself up in the bathroom, changing into a pair of jeans and keeping his hoodie on, he heard small fits of laughter and giggles coming from downstairs.

He saw both Taehyung and Jin in the kitchen, the smell of pacakes was intense but he couldn't complain. It smelt amazing. Taehyung was the first one to spot Jungkook as he stepped off the last step, heading their way. "Goodmorning, Kookie!" Taehyung said, smiling and going to hug Jungkook. Jungkook hugged back, "Good morning to you too. What are you guys up to?"

Taehyung walked back into the kitchen, picking up the wooden spatula and flipping a pancake, he cheered to himself when it landed succesfully, making Jungkook cooe at the sight. Jin walked up to him, a plate of two freshly made blueberry filled pancakes stacked up on to eachother. "I wanted to make breakfast, I hope you like it." Jungkook took the plate with a smile, "Thank you. You shouldn't have, I should have woke up early and made you guys something..you're probably still tired." He chuckled.

Jin just waved him off, "No, no, it's fine, Jungkook. You don't have to worry about that, I love to cook. Oh, also, don't be so nervous around me, okay? I'm really a nice guy and just wanted to meet the person my friend fell in love with." Jungkook smiles, a small blush on his cheeks. "Thank you, hyung." Taehyung brought two more plates to set on the table, along with a small jar of powdered sugar to sprinkle over them. His pancakes were different, filled with his favorite fruit, strawberries.

Hoseok joined them a few minutes later, his hair wet from a shower. He took a seat next to Jin while Taehyung sat next to Jungkook. "So, Jin, Hoseok. How did you guys meet Taehyung?" Jin smiled, "I used to work in his parent's bakery, I'm currently working on my own now. I kind of saw Taehyung as a little brother after working there for so long." Taehyung blushed and nodded along, stuffing his face with pancakes. "And I met him a long time ago. I'm sure you know Jimin, he kind of introduced us first. I'm always busy with dance, just a small hobby that turned serious I guess." He smiled.

Jungkook nodded with a smile, "That's nice, really. I'm happy to know he has people like you guys as friends. You seem so close and care for eachother well." "Aw, thank you. How about you?" "Well," Jungkook started. "My father's the head alpha of my pack, I'm just following in his footsteps at the moment. Right now I work in the office takig orders..not much." "He wants me to be the pack's Luna once he takes over." Taehyung added. Jungkook smiled, "Yeah."

Jin and Hoseok had bright smiles on their face, "I'm so happy for you guys. Taehyung, I'm sure you'll be a great Luna, and Jungkook, you seem like you work hard. I'm sure you're doing well, keep it up." Hoseok said. Jungkook bowed his head to show thanks.

After they got done eating, Jin and Hoseok were sitting on the couch, absorbed in whatever show they were watching on the TV while Jungkook finished up the dishes. Taehyung was sitting on the counter, letting his legs swing back and forth as he waited for the older to get done. Once Jungkook turned the water off and started drying off his hands with a towel, Taehyung hopped off the counter and looked up at Jungkook. "What's up?" Jungkook asked with a smile.

Taehyung returned the smile, "Nothing, I'm just really happy you guys got to meat..he really likes you." "That's a good thing." Jungkook replied, pulling Taehyung closer by his waist. "I hate to bring up the bad things..but I still havee a few things to go over with Namjoon and Yoongi. I'll be out for a bit, okay?" Taehyung pouted, "Can't you guys just work here? We won't bother you."

Jungkook played in Taehyung's hair, "That's not it, pup..we just have a few more things to settle between the head of the other pack. I promise though, after that, we can do whatever you like. Sound good?" "Hmm.." Taehyung hummed, "I guess so. I'm gonna miss you." Taehyung said, hugging Jungkook. Jungkook hugged him back, "Why're you so clingy, huh?" He asked, kissing the top of Taehyung's head. Taehyung pulled back, "I am not~"

Jungkook just laughed and watched as Taehyung went back into the living room with the two others.

Jungkook opened the door right after the bell rang, grabbing both Hoseok and Jin's attention while Taehyung layed in between them on the couch, playing a game on his phone. "Who's here?" Hoseok asked. "Oh, sorry, just one of my friends."

They nodded and went back to talking. Jungkook opened the door for Yoongi and Namjoon, letting them step inside. "Hey guys, I'll be right back. I forgot to get the files." "Okay, we'll be here." Yoongi smiled. Once Jungkook disappeared up the stairs, the others on the couch caught their attention..or more like someone's.

Yoongi turned to Namjoon as he heard a low growl behind him, "Joon? Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. His eyes following Namjoon's, that were now a dark red color. Yoongi spotted the other male sitting on the couch, watching Namjoon with curious eyes. "Oh my God.." Yoongi whispered.

Namjoon walked into the room, making everyone aware of his presence. "Joonie?" Taehyung asked. Everyone watched as Namjoon took Jin's hand, gently lifting him from his spot on the couch. Even Jungkook watched as he stopped midway on the stairs. Jin had a small smile on his face, cheeks tinted pink.

Namjoon smiled back, one word leaving his mouth in that entire time..





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