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woah, 1568 words 🤭, enjoy <3

It's been two weeks since Taehyung and Jungkook had finally completed their mating process. It was a great thing because they were closer than before, and could easily tell if something was bothering the other or not.

They had spent the first week together a lot, mostly just some simple lazy days since they both got a bit clingy towards each other.

Jungkook was starting to work again, especially now that Taehyung wasn't alone, he felt better when it came to leaving him at home, and of course now that they were mated, they could always just mind-link each other to check if anything's wrong.

Taehyung was sharing a bag of chips with Jimin while they sat on the table. They had colored pencils, markers and paint spread out all over the table in front of them.

It was a calm day, but with almost all the oldest members being busy, Jimin and Taehyung decided to make this a day for them. They were best friends, but after everything that's happened, they haven't had much time like this.

Jimin walked back into the dining room with two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows overflowing on top of it. "Here you go!" He said with a smile, Taehyung giggled as he took his cup. "Why did you put so many?" He squeaked when a few marshmallows fell out of the cup and onto the floor.

Jimin just smiled, "Because it's fun!" Taehyung agreed and tried to eat some of the marshmallow off the top as they started to melt, "Now," Jimin started, "Let's talk. Do you still wanna go back to work, Tae?" Taehyung shrugged, "I'm not sure. I miss going out to work with Jungkook, but after the things that happened.." He shrugs and his attention goes back to his cup.

Jimin nodded, "I get that. I just don't want you to stay bored in the house while he starts going to work again. Until you see if you wanna go back, I'll keep coming over to keep you company!" Taehyung smiles, "Thank you, Jimin."

After almost an hour of painting and small conversations, Jimin went upstairs to answer a call from Yoongi, which has been happening a lot for the past week. Taehyung's sure they're together, but decided that maybe Jimin just wants to keep it between them for now.

Taehyung was sitting with his head resting on the table, looking down at his painting as he finished putting a few careful dots of white on the blue painted background of the canvas. He smiled once he was done, pulling back to see his work in full view. 'Someone seems happy.'

He turned back to see if he heard the voice right, then he heard a small laugh, 'It's just me pup. You still nervous of the mind-link, hm?' Jungkook asked. Taehyung's face went a light shade of red and his body felt warm, happy that he had heard from Jungkook. 'I guess I'm not used to it.' Taehyung giggled, he could almost feel Jungkook's smile. 'When will you be back?' He asked.

Jungkook sighed, 'Probably not until evening. I'm sorry, pup.'  'No, it's okay! I know you're busy.' Jungkook was going to be a lot more busy now that he had to finish his current work so that he could take on being the next head alpha, 'You're working hard, Ggukkie.' Taehyung said, making Jungkook's wolf howl at the praise.

'Thank you Tae, that means a lot. What are you up to? You seemed pretty happy.' Taehyung smiled, 'Just finished a painting, I'll show you when you get here.' 'You have always liked art, huh? Well I can't wait to see it. Is Jimin still with you?' Jungkook asked. 'Yup, he's in the other room though. Yoongi's been calling him a lot.' Taehyung linked, smiling when he felt Jungkook laugh. 'I'm pretty sure they're in love.' Jungkook said, and Taehyung agreed.

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