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Warning? Mentions of blood/attack/pain

It was late in the afternoon on Monday. Taehyung hasn't seen Jungkook since he last dropped him off at Jimin's house. Tonight, Jimin thought it'd be a good idea for Taehyung, him and a few other of their close friends to hang out. That wouldn't be until later though, so Taehyung decided to go back home and do a few things of his own. He was currently in his room, painting. It's been awhile since he painted, so he wanted to try again. It was one of his hobbies, and he was actually pretty talented at it. 

It was maybe a little over an hour, Taehyung was almost done adding black strokes of paint to his painting when his phone started ringing. His dog, Yeontan, who was sleeping there next to him looked up at the sound of Taehyung's ringtone. Taehyung: "Sorry baby." He pet Yeontan's head and went to get his phone off the bed. He smiled seeing it was Jungkook. He had been trying to take his mind off of him for awhile, knowing he was busy, but of course he was beyond excited to see him again. "Hi Jungkook." He answered, Jungkook: "Hey Tae, how are you?" Taehyung: "I'm okay, how are you?" Jungkook: "I'm good..I miss you though." Taehyung pouted, "It's only been like, one night..but I miss you too, Kook..are you still working?" Jungkook: "Unfortunately." "You told me it wouldn't take long.." Jungkook: "I know, pup..I'm sorry. As soon as I get off work we willgo watch a movie or something fun, okay?" Taehyung: "You'll be tired..you don't have to spoil me too much, Kookie..we could just stay at my or your place and watch a movie too." Jungkook: "Aww, I love spoiling you though..hm, okay, I think we could do that then." Taehyung giggled and laid down. Jungkook: "Hey Tae?" Taehyung: "Yes?" "The other night..when you texted me about the wolf you saw..I know I couldn't talk about it much then, but..do you wanna talk about it now?" "Oh..right." Jungkook: "If you're uncomfortable you don't have to tell me now." Taehyung: "I mean..there's not much to say. There was a black wolf outside the window last night..it was just staring at me. I think it was a girl, it was really small, or maybe it was a Beta? Anyways, her eyes looked hazel, like a bright orange..and all she did was watch me and then ran away..I don't know why I fel so nervous..it was only a wolf.." Jungkook sighed, "I mean, it's not everyday you see a wolf with those eye colors..." Jungkook trailed off, he wanted to tell Taehyung he had seen a wolf that same night with the same color of eyes walking around outside his window. Since his senses are stronger than a normal Alpha wolf's, he felt the wolf there before he even saw it, but it was definetely those eyes he kept thinking about, as if they were dangeroous, a warning sign even. "Jungkook?" Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Taehyung call him, Jungkook: "Yeah? Sorry..I was just thinking." Taehyung: "Thinking of what?" Jungkook: "Nothing really, it's stressful work stuff." Taehyung: "Maybe I wanna hear about stressful work stuff." Jungkook: "No, you don't. Trust me..So, what will you do until I get there?" "Hmm..well, Jimin and I were going to see some of my friends." Jungkook: "When? I want to see you tonight." Taehyung smiled, "You can, Kookie. Four o'clock I believe." Jungkook: "Okay..I'll leave here before six then. Where will you guys be?" "I don't know yet, Jiminie said it's a surprise." Jungkook sighed, "You need to find out where and tell me so I know. Please? I need to know." "Okay..but why? My friends can drive me home." Jungkook: "Okay, but just so I can know." Taehyung: "Okay, I should get ready now. Talk later?" Jungkook: "Of course, pup. I love you." Taehyung: "I love you too." As soon as they hung up, Taehyung got a text from J-Hope saying they would be there in fifteen minutes, so he went to take a quick shower and get changed.

Jungkook was in his office, sorting through his packs information as always. He looked up when a knock was heard on his door, "Come in." He looked to see his friend Namjoon come in and close the door behind him, Namjoon: "Hey- oh wow, I like the new look in here." Jungkook laughed, "I did it for Taehyung. It's his office now too." Namjoon sat on the couch, "Sure. So, how are things? You said you wanted to talk last night." Jungkook nodded and went to sit next to Namjoon, a coffee in his hand as he gave another to his friend. Jungkook: "Last night, Taehyung told me about a wolf outside his friend's house..that's where he was staying, but he said it kept staring at him. The wolf had hazel colored eyes..I saw one here with a color like that also..but, isn't that weird?" Namjoon: "I haven't seen many to be honest." "I don't want to rush into anything yet..but I've had weird feelings twice now, Taehyung even said he felt uncomfortable." Namjoon: "What do you want to do?" "I'm not sure yet..I want to keep watching, and I'm going to work harder to gain Tae's trust, then we could become mates..like, comletely." Jungkook blushed, Namjoon laughed, "No way, are you blushing~?" Jungkook: "No! Get out my office, I am not.." Namjoon smiled at his friend, "Sure, Jungkook. When do you leave tonight?" Jungkook: "Hopefully six." Namjoon looked at his watch, "Do you need to see Taehyung straight away?" "Mm, yeah, but he wants to be with his friends." Namjoon: "Find out where he is. It's been awhile since you had actual fun. Let's all hangout tonight. I'll get everyone together." Jungkook crossed his arms, " II don't think that's a good idea." Namjoon: "It is, you work so hard, you're always so serious, let's get out and do what we used to." A small smirk tugged at his lips from memories, he sighed, Jungkook: "Fine, just this once." Namjoon: "Yes! Let's get it! I'll meet you outside in ten." Jungkook smiled at how happy that made Namjoon, "This could be fun." He smiled and messaged Taehyung, 'Where are you? I want your friends and mine to meet, let's all hangout together.' He put on his coat and head for the door, Taehyung texting back immedietly, 'Okay! Let's meet, I can't wait to see you, Kookie 💖' Jungkook smiled and left with Namjoon after closing down their offices for the night. Namjoon opened the passenger side to Jungkook's car, "Let's party~"

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