Ch-11, Exciting News

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It's my second week in school. I woke up and showered, wore a grey top and black jeans, to finish the look, I wore a red-blue checkered shirt as an over coat. Putting on a little foundation and lip gloss, I wore my white sneakers and sprint off to school after bidding my parents a goodbye.

I reached school and spotted my group chatting in the corridor near my locker as usual. Julie is the first one to notice me, "Hey Kia, all well?" She asks referring yesterday's incident, in response I smile and nod.

It's true, it didn't go bad, once mom listened to what I had to say, she was fuming, but not on me instead on Brittney. Dad don't know yet, but I'm sure if he finds out he won't sit still.

"Earth to Kia." Daniel said waving his hand in front of me, making me come out of my reverie. I said sorry, smiling sheepishly, at this they chuckled.

The second bell rung and we sprinted off to our classes. Today, I had my first class History and the sad part is that no one of my friend is there to spend time during the boring lecture.

I walked in to the History class and sat on my chair i.e, second seat from the last. Teacher had not arrived yet so, I decided to listen to some music. After few minutes Mrs. Dakota our history teacher came and put her belongings on the table.

She was just gonna teach when suddenly the door opened, don't you wanna know who it was? Well....I was shocked to see him standing at the door in all his glory, you must have caught on, it was none other than Aiden Oliver . He scanned the class until his eyes landed on me and he started walking toward me or I thought he was. But no, he passed my chair and sat behind me on the empty chair.

Aiden was in my class? I was beyond shocked, I had never seen him attend this class before. Ugh!! Also he is sitting behind me. Why?!

Mrs. Dakota started teaching again but I was not able to concentrate because the person sitting behind me was playing footsie with me. Really Aiden? I thought. It was disturbing. I couldn't handle any more and I pulled my chair up and placed the leg of the chair on his leg. He let out a groan, gaining attention.

Mrs. Dakota looked at him so sternly that I thought she would kill him right now, but instead she asked, "what is it Aiden?" still glaring. Now I kinda felt sorry for him, but it vanished just as it came. What? Don't misunderstand me, he. deserved it.

He glared at me then looked at Mrs. Dakota and mumbled a sorry. After that he didn't do anything for which I thank Mrs. Dakota. Hehe!


We were sitting in the cafetaria with our food. I had not seen Brittney and her bimbos from morning and I was really glad. But I was angry at Aiden for what he did in history class so, I thought of asking him.

"Aiden, why were you trying to play footsie with me?" I asked earning a chuckle from the rest of my friends. "Footsie...really?" He asked amused. "What? Don't give me that look, you were doing it." I defended myself. "I was getting bored, so thought of playing ′footsie' with you" he said emphasizing on footsie. "You also stabbed your chair on my foot" he stated. "You had it coming" I said shrugging a little. He glared at me and then resumed eating his food. Ugh!

After break, I was in my second last class talking to Carrie and Julie since this period was a substitution and the teacher was in his own dreamland.

We were in the middle of talking about Taylor Swift, when a teacher I assume his name is Mr. Scott came to our class.

He gave a pointed look at the subsie and bang the table waking him in the process. "Okay class, there is an announcement to make, it's a good news for you all so listen carefully. You seniors are going for a trip to the famous Yosemite National Park for one week.-"

Before letting him finish, the class including me erupts into hoorays!! We scream, clap and start talking to ourselves excitedly.

He bangs the table again, shutting us up.

He continues, "as I was saying, we will be there for one week which is four days after today, so I need the consent form that you will receive regarding the trip to be signed by your guardians latest by day after tomorrow. Do you get that? After that, I won't collect any forms." He finishes and we nod.

"Also, the teacher's accompanying you all will be Mr. Tyler, Mr. Hamilton and me." He says this and goes out. Two minutes later the bell rings and the class moves out talking excitedly about the trip.

"Kia, Julie I hope you will come cause, I won't miss it for the world." Carrie exclaims. I nod at her saying, "of course, I will come."

We meet the boys near Carrie's locker. As soon as Carrie stands near Blake, he pulls her into a small kiss on her lips. Julie goes near Jake and he pulls her into a hug. When did they become a thing? I'll have to ask her later.

"Soo...are you all going to the trip?" Daniel asks to which we all nod smiling. "Good" he said. "Kia! Carrie and I are going for shopping, wanna join?" Julie asks.
"Sure, why not" I reply. "Okay then, we'll be at your house to pick you up at 5:00pm. I nod in response.

"Girls and their shopping" Jeremy mutters. Carrie and Julie glare at him making him shut his mouth. I laughed at him, "aww...Jeremy are you afraid of them?" I ask amused. In response he glared at me and we all started laughing.

"What? I'm not afraid of them" he defended himself puffing his chest out and crossing his arms. "Whatever helps you to sleep at night." Carrie sings. Jeremy's hands fall down to his sides in defeat and he scowls which makes us laugh louder. Aiden doesn't seem amused too much, well...who cares. "Okay okay stop, I can't laugh anymore." I say wiping my tears.

We walk out of the school premises and split our ways. I put on my earphones and make my way to my house.

"Momma, I'm home" I call out, but no response. "Momma, where are you?" I check in the living room but she is not there, then go to kitchen, not there too. I get worried. When I turn around to check in her room, I find a note stuck on the table counter.

I'm going out to buy groceries, freshen up and eat something from the refrigerator. Couldn't make anything due to the lack of groceries. I'll be home in 20min.
- momma

Relief washes over me as I finished reading the note. I go to my room and freshen up, then go to kitchen to eat something. Just as I finish washing my plate, the door of my house opens and momma enters. I go to help her with the bags. We settle the bag in the kitchen counter.

"Sweetheart, what did you eat?" Momma asks me. "I ate some pudding from the refrigerator. "
"Oh sweety...I'm so sorry" she says.
"It's okay momma, now make something delicious for dinner" I tell her and she nods.

"Also momma, we seniors are going for a one week trip from school, so Carrie and Julie wants me to go shopping with them." I inform her. "Okay, where are you going though?" Mom asks me, to which I reply saying I'll tell her when dad comes home.

I go to my room and do some homework. When the clock shows 4:30, I change into a jeans and t-shirt, put some lip gloss and wait for them.

We are currently in the mall finding dresses for ourselves. We spend almost two hours in shopping. Now I was hungry. "Hey! Let's go eat something, I'm hungry." I tell them. They nod and we make our way to the restaurant.

After eating, they drop me home. I wash my face and meet my mom in the kitchen. "Momma, where is dad?" I ask "he is still in his office" she replies. My mom has a habit of waiting for dad. She never eats dinner until dad comes home and I like that about my mom. She supports him in every thick and thin. I'm happy that they love each other.

I also sit beside my mom and wait for him to come as it seems unusual of him to work in the office for this late..

Do you think something is wrong here? Will Kiara's dad come home? Comment your thoughts.


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