Chapter-38, Lost In Thoughts

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~~~Kiara's P.O.V~~~

The bump in with Brittney and seeing both Lily and Jonah with them had made my day worse. I couldn't believe how Brittney has already manipulated them to be with her. This can't be good. I don't know what she has been feeding their brains with, not that I care because Lily and Jonah won't be my friends again ever. I wonder whether they were my friends to begin with? Or was I stupid enough to not realize they were never my friends? Whatsoever, I don't want to dwell on the past because now I've got some amazing friends here and that itself is enough for me. I can't imagine a day without the boys' banter, the girls' bubbly personality, their funny nature, and their eagerness to help each other out. They all have found a place in my heart which I won't risk losing.

"Kia, where are you?" Mom shouts from downstairs and I sit up abruptly on my bed snapping out of my thoughts.

"Kia!" Mom calls out again. Damn! I always forget my surroundings when I'm in thoughts, deep or not.

"Coming mom!" I shouted back before getting out of my bed.

"You need me mom?" I asked her once I settled on the kitchen counter.

"Yes! Why did you take so much time to respond? Were you sleeping?" mom asked me.

" mum, was thinking about something" I told her. Apparently everyone in my house knows this because I jerk a little whenever I'm in my thinking mode and someone calls for my attention. Can't help it.

" need to get rid of that habit dear." She told me. I nodded my head before saying, "I try mom but it happens unintentionally." I sigh as I say this.

"It will go away with time hopefully, don't worry," mom said.

"Besides it's kind of funny to see you when that happens," Dad said as he made his way towards mom before ruffling my hair.

"Dad!" I whine.

"By the way, why did you call me here mom?" I asked her again.

"Oh yes! I wanted you to go to the market to buy these things for me. I would have gone but I have a couple of things to do here." Mom told me as I took the slip of things to be bought from her.

"Is it for the bakery you are planning to open?" I asked her. Yes! You heard right, my mom decided to open a bakery of her own. Dad had a much more stable job now and was making enough money to lend some to mom. She had always wanted to open one and sell some of her own recipes that she had noted down in her young age.

"Yes dear, can't wait to open it. I just wish for the place to be ready as soon as possible." Mom sighed.

"It will be ready soon, don't worry darling." Dad said, snaking his arm around her waist and hugging her. While my dad and mom talk about the bakery, I slip out of the kitchen and wear something warm to shield me from the cold before going out to buy the items on the list.

"Phew! At last I'm under the shelter of this grocery store or else I would've frozen out there. Now let's quickly get on with the list. The quicker I buy all the items, the sooner I can go home and snuggle into my blanket." I mumble to myself before going to the flour section.

I keep on ticking the items I've got in my head to lessen the confusion.

It took me an hour to buy all the items and check out of the store. There are a lot of items in here, and I don't know how am I gonna get these things home before I pass out carrying them and walking back home in this cold weather.

Now you all must be thinking why didn't I take my dad's car when I knew the items on this list are long and most probably will be heavy. So let me tell you, I sometimes have so much confidence in myself that I think I can do anything the way I want and most of the time this leads me into tough situations like this. But me being me, I still don't get it. I know...stupid me!

With all the strength I picked up the bag with items and slowly started walking. My muscles were sore by the time I reached my street, I could see my house from where I was standing. I was just after three houses. I took a long breadth before steadying the bag and started moving when my arm was pulled and my back was met with the tree. A pair of lips met mine before I could scream or open my eyes to see the person.


Hey fellas!

What do you think about this filler chapter?

Any guesses on who is kissing Kiara? Let me know in the comments.

Also if y'all wanna ask any question about the story or specific chapter, you can always pm me on Wattpad or on Instagram

Ig acc: Kripa_wattpadstories_

Until the next time...💞👋🏾👋🏾

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