Chapter 18

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The wedding planner shouts.

This was the 9th time the wedding train is walking down the aisle.

The wedding planner is having a hard time structuring her face into a semblance of a poker.

What is the problem?

The chief bridesmaid and the Best man are not cooperating.

Ma'am, Sir you have to hold hands together she tells them yet again, looking first to Amanda who lowers her gaze and then to Sinclair who wouldn't even look at her. It is like taking care of children.

It's simple you see, she continues

We are trying to paint a picture of romance for this wedding and I need you both to cooperate.

Seeing that her words are falling on deaf ears, she looks to Cindy for help.

"Can I have a word with you dear?"

Of course, Cindy answers with a defeated sigh, following the wedding planner out.
While she is not happy with the way everything is going, she totally understands what her friend Amanda is feeling right now and she blames herself for the fact that Amanda is passing through this because if not for her wedding, Amanda would have never come back to this town to face this humiliation.

If it were up to her, she would have put that bitch Ellie in her place today but Amanda's firm hands on her shoulder stopped her from storming out of the car and tackling the offensive woman.

"What is wrong with those two? Can you talk to your friends to pull it together? We are way behind schedule we need to get this right, right now!"

The wedding planning asks, red in the face.

"They have a history together" Cindy answers simply, but I will talk to Amanda. It's not easy for her right now"

"Alright, you do that. I will announce a 5 minutes break" the wedding planner says walking back into the church with Cindy in tow.

Let's take 5 people!!
She shouts


I had mentally prepared for this rehearsal and the wedding itself knowing I am Cindy's Chief bridesmaid and Sinclair the Best man. I had rehearsed it in my head over and over again and I thought I got it.

What I did not prepare for is seeing Sinclair and Emily together again. Was that not a kiss they had shared? He truly feels no remorse for how he treated me? I find it hard to see the man I thought I knew in this Sinclair. Seems like two different people in one body.

On seeing them, it was like my old wound re opened. The pain fresh like the day I caught them in bed.

I have been in a daze since then.
I know the wedding planner wants me to hold hands with him but I just can not bring my self to do that. I can't have him touch me again. Even if its "just an innocent touch".

Besides, I don't see him making any effort to hold hands either.

Perhaps that is what hurts me the most. He does not even want to hold hands with me. What could I have done? I searched my mind again for the millionth time as I have done over the years and still, I come up with nothing.

I tried to think about the last few days to the end of our relationship.

Did something happen between us?

Did we fight?

Let's take five people!!

I hear the wedding planner shout and I just can not wait to get out of the church.
Nevertheless, I see Cindy heading for me and I know there will be no escape for me.

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