Chapter 24

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"Why did you cheat on me?"

This question just set me on the edge with anger and disbelief.


That was the only thing I could think to say with a look of bafflement on my face.

I mean, I didn't expect her to be able pull something like this off.

Accuse me for cheating on her as an excuse for her actions. That's preposterous.

"What does that mean Amanda?
I ask seething.

"We both know I would never ever cheat on you.
You were my life.
We were one in every sense of the word!
How can you even look me in the eyes and say this?!"

Looking at her, my eyes glittering with unshed tears, I shake my head, shoulder slumped forward, lips trembling.

I have never been this emotionally distraught since I was born.

To think she will accuse me thus and to my face shows that I know nothing about the type of person she is or she was.

I no longer know.

Shaking her head as well and pointing a well manicured finger at me, she says

"I didn't realized you are such a good actor.
When are you going to finally give up your charade?
When are you going to speak the truth!"

She says in annoyance flinging the throw pillow on the chair to the far corner of the room her face red and hair askew.

"How dare you look me in the eye and call me a liar when you know what you did! When you know you cheated on me!"

She continues, screaming with hot tears cascading down her cheeks.

You messed up my life!
I can't believe you cheated on me! You..

I trusted you with everything and you broke me Clair, you broke me into multiple pieces..

She says slumping back in to the seat and proceeds to weep bitterly.

In frustration, I move forward as if to grab her but then I retreated, clenching my hands instead.

With ragged breathing, I say to her,

"I don't know where you got these notions from but I am saying it one more time, I never cheated on you... You keep saying that.
I never cheated on you, I don't know who fed you those stories..

You know what? I don't believe anyone fed you any story cause I am pretty sure you made this stories up so you can throw your self a little sorry party.

I know you, at least the old you, I continued, if the old you had heard from some one that I was cheating, firstly you would not believe it and secondly, you would like to hear it from my mouth first, but you didn't ask or question me. You just packed ùp and went away... Disappeared into thin air!

How can you say you love me and then do that to me?!

You are just making this up to make an excuse for your actions and that's very deplorable Amanda.

Pausing to catch a breathe, I make my way to the bed to sit down.

I held out for so long, (I continue) waiting, hoping that you would return to me bu.. but this manipulative woman you have become is unknown to me.

I am done.

As I stand to leave, I hear the most confusing statement I have ever heard in my life.

For a moment, I wondered about the mental state of Amanda.

I saw you (she said)
You and Ella.
In your Apartment.
In the guest room.
Making love.

I saw you, with my very own eyes. Will you deny this too?

Answer me!

I know what I saw and nothing you say will change that!

I was glued to the spot, my back still to her but slowly, I turn to look at her.
She did look like she is talking out of the sincerity of her heart.

But what can I say? How do I explain it away.
I am pretty sure I did not do anything with anyone talkless Ella.

I have never been attracted to her. I have ever only had eyes for Amanda so I didn't care for the lady one bit in that regard.

It doesn't add up.

If she insists she saw me, that would explain her leaving without saying anything probably out of pain.

She should have confronted me though.

I am very sure, I did nothing so what or even better, who did she see?

Some thing is wrong and I am going to get to the bottom of it and I know just where to start from but for now, I have the love of my life right here and I am going to make things right!

Looking at her with tear stained cheeks, suddenly, I felt the urge to feel the softness of her cheeks against my fingers.

Soon, I take conscious steps towards her. Her eyes are puffy from her crying and I hated myself for being the cause of her distress.

When she is at arms length, I couldn't help it any more.

Dragging her to myself, he pull her into my arms!


The heady scent went straight to my brain.

Oh God, how I have missed her scent....
I squeeze her, perhaps a little harder than usual but I have waited so long for this day to come and she is not protesting so I cling to her.

Her arms around my torso tightenes as well and fresh tears rolled down my own cheeks, taking years of pain and grief with it.

This moment, it is healing for the both of us.

Finally releasing her, with eyes full of tears, I lift her head with my finger, tilting it backwards so I can look her straight in the eyes, a tear fell from my eyes, falling on her cheeks, blending with her own tears.

A marriage of our sorrows

Tenderly, I wipe it away with my index finger and smile when she reached out to wipe my own tears off my face as well.

Finally, I cradled her face with my hands and I said

"Please look at me and believe me Amy, I never ever cheated on you. I don't know what you saw but I promise, I will get to the bottom of it.. I cannot explain it but please, please tell me you believe me Amy. 

Please, look into my eyes, see my truth...
I love you, never stopped loving you.

Seeing her nod was all the encouragement I needed, a bit roughly, I brought my mouth down to her and in the vigor, she stands on her toes to meet my lips half way.

Locking our lips in a fight for dominance.

Ooooohhh lalaaa
Smoking hot.
I almost cried writing that.
More updates coming soon.
I sincerely hope I was able to convey the emotions the way I felt them in my heart.
If this chapter made you cry then I did a good job.

Don't hesitate to tell me if you cried lol.

Love you all

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