Chapter 1

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Amanda Seyfried as Amanda

Three years had passed since I last set foot in my hometown, and as I drove into the familiar streets, a wave of regret washed over me. Memories of my departure flooded my mind, reminding me of the things I'd rather forget.

"I shouldn't have come back here," I muttered to myself, my voice barely audible over the sound of the engine. But deep down, I knew the real reason for my return. 

"It's for Cindy," I repeated like a mantra, trying to convince myself of my purpose. 

The thought of my best friend's wedding kept me going through the doubts and apprehension. I glanced at the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of my sleeping bundle of joy, my son, Cadence. He was the reason behind everything, my motivation, and my source of strength.

Driving through the town, I noticed how little had changed. The butcher's shop with its aging red banner caught my eye, and I couldn't help but smile at the familiar sight. Mr. Hardy, the butcher, was still there, his strong hands expertly slicing meat with a rhythmic thumping sound. He was a fixture in this town, a symbol of endurance and unwavering dedication. 

I made a mental note to visit him later, to greet an old acquaintance. 

Passing by the Mini mart, I noticed a stranger exiting the store. It struck me as odd because in a small town like ours, everyone knew each other. The presence of a newcomer hinted at the possibility of change, a breath of fresh air in the stagnant familiarity. 

I shrugged it off, realizing that soon everyone would know about Cadence's existence anyway. Secrets were hard to keep in such close-knit communities. 

The new hotel in town was a pleasant surprise. The old one had become a brothel before I left, so this new establishment brought a sense of relief. I craved privacy and a safe haven for myself and Cad, and this hotel seemed like the perfect solution. The thought of staying in town for five days no longer felt dreadful; in fact, I love staying in hotels. 

There was something about the ambiance and the solitude that appealed to me. As I parked in front of Fumbia Hotel, a chauffeur approached to take the keys. His eyes briefly scanned my ring finger, noting the absence of a wedding band. 

I was already accustomed to people's disapproval, having a baby out of wedlock attracts a lot of disapproval, but I didn't regret my decision to keep Cad.

"Welcome to Fumbia Hotel, ma'am," the chauffeur greeted me with a forced smile, taking my keys. "The reception is right through those doors. Your luggage will be brought up to your room, ma'am." I thanked him and headed toward the reception, in need of rest after a long drive. 

I hadn't informed anyone in town about my arrival yet, not even my parents. I needed time to settle in and gather my thoughts before facing them. At the hotel reception, I introduced myself to the sweet-faced receptionist, informing her about my reservation. 

She responded in a robotic tone, assuring me that they had been expecting my arrival. She asked me to wait for a few minutes before being escorted to my room and directed me to the bar. 

Feeling a hint of dissatisfaction, I was about to express my displeasure when I decided to let it slide. It wasn't worth causing a scene on my first day back in town. Sighing, I made my way to the bar and settled at a secluded table, taking out my cell phone to browse while Cad continued to sleep in his carrier. 

Unexpectedly, a young lady in a waitress uniform approached me with a cup of orange juice. I hadn't ordered anything, yet she presented it to me with a smile.

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