Chapter 16B

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Batista as Freddie


It is time to start heading to the church for the wedding rehearsal and my heart is practically beating a dent into my chest.

How will he react to seeing me?

Will he be there with her?

Will I make a fool of myself yet again?

Will he discover that Cad is his baby?

The resemblance between the two is striking. I haven't been able to bring myself to talk to him about Cadence.

Sighing heavily, I picked up my phone and called Freddie to let him know we were coming over to pick him and Cad up for the wedding rehearsal.

"Would you stop fretting for one second Amanda? !"
Cindy says sitting at her vanity table and brushing out her hair. 

 I drop the call to Freddie, having had enough grating on my nerves.

"I'd rather have you back at the hotel than have you a nervous wreck at the rehearsal"

She continues as she eyes me through the mirror wearily.

"I am sorry Cindy, I never planned to make you feel bad I am just getting overwhelmed.
I really thought I had all these emotions in check .

Just the thought of seeing them together is unsettling but mostly, I am afraid he will find out about Cad. I don't want to lose my baby"

I say to her with a sigh. Taking the brush out of her hand, I start brushing her hair myself mentally scolding my self for upsetting her a day to her wedding. I make the resolve to make her happy as much as I can so, giving her a smile through the mirror, I continue

"Remember how we used to dream and fantasize our wedding days? How we practiced it literally" 

Laughing a little she adds, you would play the bride, I would be the groom and we would force my brother to be the priest!!"

"More like blackmail him to be our priest and it was all you girl. You were the one forcing and blackmailing him"
she chimes in.

"Yes that's true, do you remember a particular day that I threatened to tell mum that he stole dad's cigarette and smoked it under his bed?!"

My God!! Cindy said, I thought I would die from shock when you said it to him but then the look on his face hahaha, he went white then red...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha we both laugh at the memory.

Anyone outside the door would think it is a cackling of witches.

They cackled even more as they both were drawn down memory lane.

18 years ago

"Max will you please be our priest? We want to play dress up and have a real wedding!"

Little Amanda says to her big brother

"Leave me alone Amy, I am not playing your little girl's game"

Max says focused on flying his kite
They are outside on their lawn.

He spares the 2 girls a glance and blanches as he spots the little girl that always tagged along his sister, Cindy, wearing a ridiculously big, white gown that can only belong to his mother.

Is that the plastic rose flower used to accessorize the dining table in her little fingers?!

He rolls his eyes and asks

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