Chapter 26

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Hey guys, wanted y'all to know that seeing your votes, comments and most importantly condolence messages has given me the strength to write this chapter.
Thank you very much



This insistent noise kept disturbing me.

It gets louder and louder by the seconds.

I tried to move but there is a heavy weight on my chest so I tried to open my eyes.

I caught sight of the ceiling. Wait, this is not my room.
where am I?

My clouded senses returned back to the fact that there is a heavy weight on my chest and so I looked down only to find somebody 's arm casually draped across my chest.

Immediately, memories of last night flooded my mind and I caught my self smiling. I couldn't help it.

I lifted my gaze and looked into his sleeping face and I felt a tear run down my face.

Happiness, Joy

These emotions flooded my heart.

The alarm clock rang again and this time, I wasn't the only that was jolted from sleep as his eyes flew open and he woke up with a start.

Looking at me, he smiled at me and I just went into his arms for a well deserved goodmorning hug.

"Sleep well"
He asked, his voice not quite awake yet.

"Well considering how long you kept me up, you should be able to answer that question "
I replied with a giggle, my face inflamed.

We both settled into a companionable silence just simply enjoying each other's presence until suddenly it clicked and I jumped right out of the bed, startling him for the second time this morning.

"The wedding!!!!"

I screamed at him as I rushed into the bathroom to bathe.

I heard him say as he also immediately stood up from the bed and started finding his clothes.

"Stupid stupid stupid"
I thought

How could I let my self get carried away.
Cindy is going to have my hide! God!

I assumed Sinclair has already left my room to go prepare as he is the best man so I quickly had my bath and came of the bathroom, desperately trying to dry my hair as fast as possible with the towel and buck naked.

"I could get used to this sight every morning"

A voice said behind me

I screamed so loud I could wake the dead as I desperately tried to cover me body with the towel, turning around to face the owner of the voice.

"Sinclair! What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you scare me like that? "

I asked as I walked up to him intending hit his arm.

Laughing hysterically, he moved out of the way to avoid me from hitting.

"This is not even funny, I thought you had gone"
I said as I stood akimbo looking at him as laughed like a fool"

I have to admit, I was getting a little pissed.
No. Not a little pissed.
I was getting really pissed.

"What are you even doing here still?"
I continued

"Are you not supposed to be the best man? We are late already as it is so stop goofing around"

Trying hard to recover from his hysterical fit, he said in between hiccups

"A...m sorry... hehehheehehe.... (he continued chuckling)

Alright am sorry but babe did you even check the time?
Its 4:30 am the wedding is by 10:30 am.

What? It's 4:30? I asked as I went to check my phone.

Did you even look outside it's still pretty dark.
He said in a cocky manner

I couldn't help but burst into laughter myself.


By the power vested in me by the state and the Church, I now pronounce you Man and Wife.
Chris, you may now kiss your lovely bride.

The cheering and clapping from everyone made the moment perfect.

It was a perfect ceremony . One that left most of the guests (especially the ladies), with tears in their eyes.

Anyway, I just could stop staring.

At her.

My Amanda.

And she was staring right back at him with unshed tears and the most beautiful smile in her eyes.

This could be us. Do I dare to hope?

I love her. I love her with all my being.

Never stopped loving her, not for once but before I take any step towards our future, we need to deal with the past.

I took a cursory gaze across the hall, searching through the crowd for the woman.

The woman who is the source of all this confusion .


She is my date today. It took everything in me not to slap the chit across the face when she came to give me a peck on the cheek this morning before the wedding service began.

She was about to enter the church and coincidentally, I was also exiting the church so we met right there. In front of the church.

It took everything not to push her away from me.

Luckily, Amanda was not there as she was yet to arrive with the bridal train and Chris at that same moment, yelled my name.

I need to go tend to Chris I said, untangling myself from her grasp on my arm.

Amanda and I had decided to not let her or anyone apart from Freddie to know that we had made up.

This morning when we parted ways, I was really reluctant. Now that I got her back, I dont ever want her out of sight.

I caught Ellie's eyes and she gave me the sunniest smile ever .

I could see some worry in her eyes. Perhaps she has seen me staring at Amanda. I need to play my role well if I want the plan we made to suss Ellie out to work.

I grinned to my self remembering the unexpected call I got this morning and the plan that I and Chris has set in motion. Even Amanda is in the dark.

As we walked out of the church with the newly wedded couple in front and every one cheering and throwing petals of white roses, I could see Ellie inching her way through the crowd trying to reach me and I thought in my heart.

"Let the game begin"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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