Chapter 16A

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Gal Gadot as Cindy

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Tomorrow is the wedding day!
And I am filled with a mixture of emotions. Happiness for Cindy and envy at the same time.
If only I can experience this profound joy she is experiencing currently, I'd be happy too.

To be united with the love of your life in holy matrimony.

"Aaaahhhhh" I sigh for the fifth time this morning.

The splashing sound of water and baby mumblings, brings me back to the present.

I am giving Cadence a bathe.

Cad continues to play, oblivious to my thoughts and inner tumoil.

To the great grey cloud of gloom that has gathered over my head.

"Alright baby, it's time to get you out of the water.."
I say raising him up and ignoring the puppy eyes that begged to be allowed in the water a little longer.

Nevertheless, he kept quiet unlike him.

Perhaps he isn't oblivious like I presumed. He had always had a knack for knowing when am sad.

"Don't you want to go see grandma?"
I ask him, giving him a small tickle and a peck on the fore head as I place him on the bed.

"Aaa wan gwanma"
(I want grandma)
He says between laughs

"Mummy will go to church with Aunty Cindy and then come pick you up later okay?"

He nods

"Promise mummy you will be a good boy for Grandma and Grandpa"
I said, touching the tip of my nose to his as is our ritual when we want make promises.

"aaa b a guuu boi"
(I be a good boy)

He says, smiling even further.

Being on the receiving end of that smile made the gloomy clouds dissipate somewhat.

I leaned in and went ahead to rub my cheek on his butter soft ones, reeling in the softness and beauty of my baby.

"Love you baby"
I whisper softly



After dressing and feeding Cad, I took him to my parent's house and dropped him along side Freddie to my parent's delight.

Seeing that they have lacked company for a very long time, I understand their excitement.

Today we have a lot to do, wedding rehearsal, a spa session for Cindy, hair, nails, the bridal shower and finally, the last fitting for the gown.

Freddie didn't necessarily have to go to my parent's place but he had insisted because he didn't want to be alone at the hotel and also because he loves mum's cooking.
So, here was the plan, I'd drop him off at my parent's house then I and Cindy will go ahead with our girly activities and I'd come pick him up later for the rehearsal, Yes! Freddie has been enlisted as on of the groom's men and I am excited for it.

Talking about the rehearsal, I both dreade and anticipate it for all the right reasons.

Seeing that Sinclair is the best man, there's no doubt that I'd be paired with him as I happen to be the Chief Bride's maid.

Who would have thought that I'd be in this kind of situation with him?

There is a God up there, laughing at our expense.

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