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I looked at the text message on my phone for the umpteenth time.
I know I shouldn't trust Ellie but I just couldn't contain my curiosity so I read it again.

"You think you are special to him huh? Come to his house by 12pm today and see for your self!! LOSER."

Ellie just wouldn't stop.
I shook my head at the thought.

She has been angry with me since I started dating Sinclair 2 years ago.
I had thought she would get over it with time but it only seems to get worse.

I checked my time 11:59.

I was just a few houses away from his house so I jogged up to his building, pausing a bit to breathe.

I really needed to get fit I had just ran a little and I am out of breathe already.

Using my key, I opened the door and went for a glass of cold water from the fridge.

As I was drinking, I looked around the living room and nothing was out of place except the almost untouched pizza on the table. One slice missing from it.

I smiled to my self, Sinclair couldn't wait for me to get here before he started eating?

Where was he anyway? I thought to my self.

I grinned at the couch as I passed it, Sinclair and I had made love on it severally.

I sighed, thinking that it was silly of me to play Ellie's game with her.

I shouldn't have given in to her madness.

Putting the glass cup back in its place I started making my way to his room to find him but before I could make more than a couple of steps, I heard it.

Faint at first but it got louder as I listened.

I was frozen to the spot. Too scared to move.

What is he upto? I thought as a fresh wave of fear ran through my body.

Is Ellie right?
I couldn't help but ask myself.


I called hoping I am wrong, hoping that Ellie is wrong or that I am in a dream, but the constant and hard thumping of my heart told me I was wide awake.

This isn't a dream at all.

I heard the sound again and this time, there is not doubt in my mind about what I have just heard.

It took everything in me to not faint there and then.

Slapping sounds, flesh to flesh, moans of pleasure. Is this truly happening...

It was woman's voice and she was moaning.
Why did not I hear it before?

I walked to the direction of the sound. It was coming from the guest room and I followed the sound as it got even louder and louder.

I didn't need any one to tell me what she was moaning for as she added words to her moans.

"I know you like it just like this baby, I'd do you better than that bitch Amanda" this was followed by kissing sounds .

That was Ellie's voice

Tears blurred my vision but I trudged on, I needed to see for my self.

The door was slightly ajar and because of the position of the bed, I could see Ellie on top of Sinclair Buck naked and grinding him.

I couldn't see his face.

My heart gave out and I cried out.

I turned and ran out, I ran and ran and ran and this time, I didn't stop to catch my breathe.

I ran and never looked back

It was more than my fragile heart could take so I fled.

God no.

I sprinted through the streets, tears streaming down my face, as if my tears could wash away the pain and betrayal that had just pierced my heart. The world around me became a blur, the sounds of traffic and people merging into a symphony of chaos. My mind was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, each one more agonizing than the last.

How could Sinclair do this to me? We had been together for so long and I thought our love was real. I thought it as enough for us. But now, it seemed like everything had been a lie. 

I couldn't shake off the image of Sinclair entangled with another woman.

As I continued to run, my legs burning with exertion, I tried to make sense of what had just happened. How long had he been cheating on me? How many times had he lied straight to my face? The pain was unbearable, but I couldn't stop my mind from racing.

I needed answers. I was too much of a coward to face them one on one but from the safety of the distance, I felt brave. Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through my contacts until I found Sinclair's name. 

With trembling fingers, I dialed his number, hoping against hope that there would be some explanation, some reason that would make sense of this nightmare. The phone rang, each second stretching into an eternity. My heart pounded in my chest, anticipation mixed with fear. Would he pick up? Would he have the audacity to face me after what he had done?

But the call went unanswered, and the voicemail picked up. I left a shaky message, my voice cracking with the weight of my emotions. 

"Sinclair, it's me."

I couldn't say any other thing after that.

With a deep breath, I ended the call, feeling a sense of finality wash over me. It was clear that Sinclair didn't have the courage to face me, to confront the consequences of his actions. And in that moment, something inside me shifted.

I realized that I couldn't depend on him or anyone else for my happiness. I needed to find my strength, to reclaim my identity that had been shattered by his betrayal. The tears still streamed down my face, but amidst the pain, a flicker of determination ignited within me.

I reached the park and stumbled onto a bench, collapsing onto it. The weight of what I had witnessed crashed down on me, threatening to drown me in a sea of despair. But as I sat there, surrounded by the tranquility of nature, I made a promise to myself.

I would heal. I would rebuild my life, piece by broken piece. I wouldn't let Sinclair's actions define me or break me down. I deserved better than his lies and infidelity. And I would find that better, even if it meant starting over from scratch.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I wiped away my tears, but my gaze still could not shift from the pain to the possibilities of the future. The journey ahead would be challenging, but I was determined to rediscover my worth and create a life that was true to myself.

As I stood up from the bench, a sense of empowerment washed over me. I left behind the echoes of their betrayal, embracing the freedom that comes from letting go. The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the park, as if encouraging me to move forward into the unknown.

And so, with each step, I walked away, leaving behind the pain and heartache that had held me captive. I embraced the uncertainty and the potential for growth. My heart was bruised, but it was not broken. And in time, I knew it would heal, and I would emerge stronger than ever before.

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