Chapter 5

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Sinclair's POV

Truly, the music downstairs was blaring, and the atmosphere was frenzied. It was exactly what he needed to numb and chase away the old feelings that were trying hard to force their way back into his heart.

Today isn't a club day because it's still Tuesday, but due to his unmatched business strategy, we somehow entertain guests every night. The only thing is, the crowd is denser on weekends, especially on Fridays.

As they entered the clubbing arena through the exclusive back door, they veered straight to the VVIP lounging area.

It is a place reserved solely for him and his cronies whenever he felt the need to host. From that spot, the on goings of the club were vividly visible.

From there, he could see everyone coming and going, and he had a clear view of the dance floor where all the action happened.

On many nights, he and his friend Chris would sit there, having long, fulfilling, and hilarious nights just observing drunk individuals making fools of themselves on the dance floor.

Occasionally, some of the intoxicated patrons would get violent, but he was confident in his capable security guards' ability to handle such situations.

Out of habit, he scanned all the security points and inwardly nodded in approval as everything and every security detail were in place.

They sat at a table with drinks in front of them, engaging in what they considered light discussions, although they had to raise their voices to be heard over the loud music.

Chris received a phone call and excused himself to take it, leaving the table for a few minutes. However, he took longer than expected.

Feeling bored in his friend's absence, he took out his phone from his back pocket, seeking to occupy his mind and hands since nothing particularly exciting was happening in the club.

Upon unlocking his phone, he noticed five notifications – four missed calls and one text message. Seeing that the caller was Ellie, he sighed. Deciding to check the text message he was certain was from her, he exited his call log and opened the message.

Even though he did not love Ellie, she had always been resilient in trying to establish a relationship between them, even when he was still with Amanda.

Ellie had a habit of being overly sweet with him, but he wasn't deceived by her coy demeanor. He had seen her treat others with disdain, acting as if they were lower beings compared to her.

He knew her to be manipulative, sassy, snobby, and rude to people she considered beneath her.

As for him, he was pretty sure he had never encouraged her advances towards him. However, he had to admit that he had never vehemently discouraged her or directly asked her to back off.

He just... perhaps he enjoyed the attention.

At least she stayed...

Upon opening the message, it read:

"Hello, honey. I've been trying to call you all day. Already checked at the hotel, and you weren't there. I am assuming you are at the clubhouse. Will be there soon!!

Always yours, Ellie:)"

Snorting at the endearments she used on him and the claim that she was his, he couldn't help but laugh a little. If only she knew. The person who owned him, the only woman who could own him, was Amanda. She had ruined him for any other woman. This thought had him running a hand through his hair, disheveling his haircut.

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