Chapter 30

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As the video came to an end, amidst the gasps and stares, amidst the hush that fell across the room, she fainted.

Sinclair turned to look at Amanda. She was rooted on the spot tears rolling freely  down her cheek and her mother and brother at her sides.

He couldn't bear the distance  between them anymore as he marched towards her. He couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the video. It all made sense now.

He had wondered over and over why she would leave him but if what he just watched was what she saw then he couldn't fault her. At all.

Ellie made him miss out on three years of  not just Amanda's life but his son as well and it will only take God for him to forgive her for this huge damage.

Standing before Amanda, he could see she was worn out. Instantly he saw it in her eyes, regret, guilt, loss. 

Amanda had played the victim these three long years and so she was broken to find out that she wasn't the true victim. Sinclair was. He suffered molestation, his house was broken into, his food poisoned and she had spent three years hating him.

As she remembered that she had once wished him dead, she crumbled to the floor and wept.

She wept for the man standing before her. The man she ran away from. The man she hid her son from as punishment for an offence he did not even commit.

Kneeling down before her his voice laced with his own sorrow. he said

"No, I don't ever want to see you like this, please. Get up. It's really not your fault and am just glad to have you back. Please Amy"

Standing up, he pulled her up with him and she buried her head into his neck crying and saying

"Am so sorry, I don't deserve you'

"Shhh" He hushed her, you deserve me and I deserve you. We deserve each other okay? Don't ever say that again because this is not on you. It's on her.

He said pointing in the direction of where Ellie fainted.

"I love you so much and I will never do that to you. Especially not with Ellie" 

He added as he gently wiped the tears on her cheeks and was glad to find a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Her eyes were always so expressive that was one of the things he loved about her. He found him smiling down at her as he thought about it, caressing her face gently and basking in the warmth of the smile she was giving him.

It seemed to the both of them that they were all alone. There was a bevy of onlookers as the wedding guests were all watching with keen interest. Considering how small the town is, almost all the guests knows the history of Amanda and Sinclair and a good number of them has tears in their eyes as they watched the both of them.

Amanda and Sinclair has eyes for just each other. If there were other people in the room, they barely noticed. There was only one thing needed to make this moment sweeter. Something Sinclair has been dying to do all day.

He bent his head and captured her lips in a soul searing kiss that made a few more guests teary but this kiss was not just about tears, it brought about a loud round of applause and the love birds were finally aware of their surrounding and separated from each other.

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