Time For A Drink

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Julian's POV

As I straightened out my tie I looked over at the timid boy who was working his way back into his leather shorts. I haven't seen him wear something like this yet, it was probably Simon's idea. Elliot seemed to like less shapely clothing, god only knows why he wouldn't want to show off the beautiful curves he has. Though, from what I have gauged from his personality thus far I have found the boy to have an obvious body confidence issue sprinkled with an over anxious mind and a sensitive heart. He is an intelligent, kind boy and one of the most obedient, loyal submissives I've had the pleasure of training. I have already had people coming to me asking when his training will be complete and he will be available to scene.

I've come to realise through our three sessions and speaking with him and Simon that that lack of confidence runs deeper than his outer layer. I can see he's been mistreated in the past. Most submissive's, especially those like Elliot, quiet, timid, obedient and loyal, have been taken for granted by a previous partner. Sometimes this isn't even on purpose; they are just too nice for their own good. Too shy to tell what's bothering them, too loyal to see the bad things. I need to find a way to help build Elliot's confidence.

As the owner and a trainer, my main goal is to help my boys to grow to their full potentials as submissive's and some boys are easier than others, that's true, but everyone has things they're working through. Submission is a way to escape and not have to worry about the stress of every day just like Domination is, moreover for most of the boys and men I allow to enter the club this isn't just a sexual fetish but a lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with having BDSM as just a fetish that you bring out in the bedroom every so often but for the members of Checkmate Submission or Domination or for some of our members both are a key aspect of who they are. I will help Elliot to find his submission and allow him to become the person I know he desperately needs.

I could see a little flame of confidence our session seemed to have brought him as he bent over tying his shoelaces. I was wondering if he was intentionally trying to tease me or if he was testing the waters on what he could do. Naturally, I went over to him and tapped his butt to see his reaction. Though I was only gentle I could see the deep blush on his face and he made the cutest noise. I chuckled. He was an adorable boy. I watched as his shocked expression turned into a pout. I grabbed the discarded gag from the bed and placed it in a separate box so I know to give it a deep clean. His eyes were on me but I watched as his little pout faltered and it turned into a happy sigh. It was like I said to him before his dominant will be one lucky man.

Once I had put that away I held out my hand for him. He took it and together we walked back to my office. His wrists shouldn't bruise. He didn't struggle and they weren't incredibly tight. As we entered my office I told him that Nathaniel and Simon should be around soon. "I scheduled more time for you after our run over the last session" he smiled and sat done. Pushing my hair back I looked at him. He was reapplying his lipgloss. "You didn't zone out as much this session, I'm proud of you." I grabbed my suit jacket off the side and straightened it. He blushed again. There was a knock on my door. I knew exactly who it was. Leaning against my desk next to Elliot, I called for them to enter. Nathaniel came over to me and I clasped his hand.

"Julian good to see you."

"And you, Nathaniel." He gave me a knowing amused look as he glanced at Elliot who was trying to hide a giggle at something Simon had done.

"Apparently you sent him to me" Nathaniel wrapped his arm around the little bratty boy who was revelling in the attention.

"He wanted to play but I was preoccupied" I smiled at Elliot gently "so yes I sent him to you." Nathaniel chuckled and looked Elliot up and down. His light hair was tousled and his cheeks were stained red. His shorts barely grazed the bottom of his thighs and his knees were in the process of healing from the bruises of yesterday.

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