The End of the Night

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Standing at the bar Master Warwick asked me what I would like to drink. I told him I'd just have a Coke. After he ordered he turned to me and asked if I was drinking tonight at all. I told him that I wasn't as we made our way to a table and sat down.

"Are you playing with anyone then?" He asked.

"I'd like to," I smiled my finger running along the condensation of the glass.

He smiled back "who do you want to play with?" I decided to try my luck, I crossed one leg over the other and lent forward.

"Well, Sir I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to scene with me." He had an amused but shocked look on his face. He glanced at his watch.

"I'm on closing shift. I'm working until 2:30."

"I can wait," I said a little too quickly for my comfort. He chuckled.

"Oh, can you now?"

"Unless you don't want to then that's okay too." I looked down into my glass and he reached over and lifted my head up.

"I'd love to play with you tonight." I blushed a little and smiled brightly.

"I can't wait."

We talked a bit about the night so far. "It's only your first one of course" he smiled when I told him that I was really looking forward to tonight. He told me I must have missed it by a week.

"It doesn't feel like a month but it honestly feels longer too, you know what I mean." It's funny to think that everything that's happened in the club has happened in less than a month. All my training, scening, meeting people, the munch, spending time with my new friends, everything, all of this has happened in the same month. It felt quite crazy honestly. Just over a month ago, I'd been binge-watched the same two shows because I didn't want to go out on the weekends and I didn't have anyone to go out with anyway except Sim and he was going to "that kink club". I laughed a little. God, I should've come here a long time ago.

"What's the smile for?" Master Warwick asked an amused grin on his face.

"I'm just thinking I should have come here a long time ago. I really shouldn't have kept saying no."

"Why did you keep saying no?"

"I didn't want to. I knew it was a kink club and I honestly had no idea what that would have even entailed and I just didn't feel confident enough."

"I suppose it is a bit daunting at first. You get ideas in your head from films, TV, porn at what a BDSM club would be like."

"Well that was just it. I watched fifty shades of grey once and I hated it so I compared it to that I guess."

"Awful film. It's such an unrealistic depiction of our lifestyle."

"Sim kept saying that and now I completely agree. It's just not accurate."

"You should have come a long time ago but you're here now and that's what's important."

"If I'd known what it is like, what the people are like I would've come so much sooner."

"If only I'd have known Simon was hiding such a beautiful gem, I would've brought you here myself," he leant back a little in his chair.

"One look at you would've convinced me. No questions asked," I told him honestly.

"Oh really?" He asked an eyebrow raised.

"Really. I'm honestly offended Sim didn't show me a picture of you sooner he knows you're my type," I told him my finger running across the cold condensation on the glass.

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