A Rude Interruption

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I don't know how long we were doing this for but my thighs were beginning to burn a little bit. I was in ass up when there was a knock on his door. My jerk reaction was to move but I quickly stopped myself. He growled a little at the fact someone interrupted, the flash of anger in his eyes was honestly really hot. "Attention against that wall, please" he told me and I quickly rushed to where he was pointing. He opened his door.

"What is it? You know I'm training." His voice was stern and low, he looked down at the boy who was only in his boxers.

"I know I'm really sorry Sir, it's Gio, he has just passed out, Master Harvey has got first aid but he sent me to get you." The boy had a panic in his voice and the Masters eyes softened slightly, he had no reason to be angry at the boy, he was just doing as he was told.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, I'll be right there." Master Julian came back into his room and grabbed something out of his drawers. "Elliot" my head pricked up slightly to show I was listening.

"Stay at attention until I come back. Do not move" he told me.

"Yes sir" I said not looking from the wall. The door closed and I heard footsteps leading away. This was the first time I was back in my feelings since we started training.

In my head I was going over all the commands that I had learnt. I thought about Sim, he definitely didn't like this part of the training, he likes the fun stuff, the sexual stuff, taking orders isn't really his thing. The most uncomfortable position was all fours and the one I really didn't like was present. I didn't like being so open, it made me feel uncomfortable, so out of control, which I guess is the point but I didn't like it.

Minutes passed, I don't know how long I was in attention for. I focused my body entirely on staying as still as possible, breathing rhythmically as a way to ground myself. I could hear people outside and the deep bass of whatever song was playing, I kind of wish I was out there dancing with Sim and Robin. I did like training don't get me wrong. I honestly couldn't tell you how long I was stood at attention for and my feet were beginning to ache.

I finally heard Master Julian's voice carry down the hall. "He'll be okay. Like I said no more scening tonight. I'll come and check on him after I have finished with Elliot." The door opened and I heard him walk in. He didn't say anything at first. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Relax and look at me Angel." My heart fluttered a little at my nickname. I stretched out my arms and turned around and looked at him. "I'm sorry about that, Giovanni had a panic attack which led to an asthma attack." My eyes widened in fear.

"Don't worry he'll be okay. He's got an inhaler and he's been forbidden from scening again tonight. I've got my first-aider on him. Now come and sit down." He went and sat on the sofa, I went over to him and sat down in front of him. He chuckled and leaned forward holding out his hand for me. "You are cute Elliot. Sit up here with me" I sat next to him and he pulled my legs onto his lap. He began to massage them gently.

"I was gone for longer than I thought. I was very impressed that you were in the same position. You did well, I'm proud of you." I blushed a little. He ran a finger across my cheek and kissed it gently. "Now tell me how are you feeling?"

"Good sir" I tell him.

"I'm glad. How was the training for you?"

"It was interesting. I know I made a few mistakes but I'll keep practising sir."

"That's what I like to hear Angel. Don't over strain yourself with practise especially kneeling practice you can really hurt yourself if you're not careful."

"I won't sir."

"Good boy" he pulled me on to his knee and I giggled.

"Colour Angel?"

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