Throat Training

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Elliot's POV

"I want you to relax your throat as much as you can. I'm going to find how deep something can go relaxed pre-training," I nodded. "Obviously this is only very thin so it doesn't really come close to having something with actual width but it's just to know the length." He then passed me the metal stick and told me to open my mouth wide. Now I gag if my toothbrush goes too far into my mouth I know I'm going to make a fool of myself. I inserted the metal toy into my mouth slowly and I gagged quite quickly. I'm not going to tell you the actual length because that is just purely embarrassing but Master Thomas did say "I've got my work cut out for me I see." I blushed awkwardly at this.

"Okay, pet I want you to spray this numbing spray and try again." With the numbing spray taking a moment to begin working I did end up doing better so that's good.

"This numbing spray is a temporary fix. Once you have gotten a little more comfortable we will be dropping it entirely." I nodded. He then brought out a collection of flavoured lubes. "Lube helps, if you go in dry it won't end well for you, choose one," I looked at all the flavours. I choose strawberry. "Good choice, now let's see how far you can go," he took the smallest and thinnest dildo in the collection and stuck it to a strange-looking contraption on the wall. The contraption had a mirror so I could see him behind me and something else that I wasn't sure what it was. "This is easy, about 4.5 inches. I want to see what you can do. Try and reach the end if you can" he told me. I nodded and knelt before it. I squeezed my thumb into the palm of my hand and relaxed my throat. "Give me your hand," he told me. I held my other hand out and he put some of the strawberry lube into it. "Show me what you would do with that, Pet," he raised an eyebrow amused. I began to slowly lube the toy. It was a little clumsy at first but if anything I know I can give a decent hand job. Once I felt that I had done enough I looked at the man. "Good boy for waiting. You can go," I took a deep breath and moved into it. I am proud to say I could put it all the way in and when I did reach the end my nose touched something and I heard a clicking sound. I pulled away and looked up at the man confused. His lips pulled into a small smirk. "Good boy, you did it properly."

"There was a click, Sir."

"There was pet. It is there to tell you when you have properly hit the back. You know when you have done it right when you hear the click."

"Oh like that thing used to train dogs," I said more to myself than to him. He smirked and knelt at my height.

"Exactly like that," he took my chin. "I love the look when it first happens you looked so confused but yet so intrigued." I felt my cheeks heat up in a blush. "Now shall we play a little game?" He asked.

"I'd like that, Sir," I nodded.

"Good, I want you to try and hit the clicker 5 times without pulling away. Can you do that?" He asked.

"Yes, Sir," I smiled.

"Show me then, Pet." I used my hand to spread the lube across before taking it into my mouth. Breathing through my nose I heard five clicks before I pulled away coughing a little into my hand. I looked up at the man. "5 clicks with no break, can you do 10?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes, Sir."

I struggled at 15 clicks. I pulled away after 12 clicks, coughing. I must have breathed in wrong or the throat numbing spray is wearing off or something. I looked up at the man a little ashamed. "You can do it. I want to see it, lube it up and try again," he was standing behind me. I nodded and took some lube into my hand rubbing it on the toy. This time at 9 I didn't go deep enough and missed a click. I know he was counting. "Start again," he told me. I pulled away annoyed at myself. It's only 4.5 inches I should be better than this. I took a deep breath and began to use the toy to fuck my mouth. I got myself into a rhythm hearing the clicks. 13, 14, 15 I did it. I pulled away wiping some spit from my chin and coughing slightly. "So determined aren't you, Pet," he looked at me through the mirror. "I could give you a treat now" I turned to look at him smiling excitedly. I felt my toes wiggle excitedly because I knew the rest of me couldn't "but I'm not going to," I tried to not look upset at that but I couldn't help it. "The bigger the challenge the bigger the reward," he moved to me moving to my height. "20. I am going to sit here and I want to hear 20 clicks. Only then will you get a reward. Let's see how much you want your treat,"' he sat back "I've got all night."

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