Then May I Kiss You?

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Nathaniel's POV

The Club had recently updated to a new system for storing members data and finally, after what felt like weeks, it had been completed. Julian, Thomas, Francis and I were in Julian's office talking about the next step in Club renovation. Today's topic of choice was about the type of bands we use and changing them from paper to leather or faux leather. Positives of this change include: one less boy needed to work each night, saving money in the long run on different colour bands, the possibility of having them engraved and personalised which is something boys have expressed their interest in before, and they are reusable therefore less waste. While negatives of the change include: a large upstart cost, charging members for the bands while there is no usual fee, I did mention this would only be a one-off payment only though which in the long run would benefit the club, and the design of the bands, wanting them to be unique to Checkmate. "Simon is a graphic designer and artist, he'd be more than willing to help design the bands, honestly get him a drink and offer him to scene and he'd do it for free" I suggested to help with the last issue. Julian laughed.

"I mean you're not wrong there."

"When you weigh the options up the only real issue is the upstart cost," Francis commented while leaning against the arm of the sofa.

"I'll do some more research into it and see if it's worth it. I've looked into a couple of different sellers but I'll ask around to see if anyone knows of any companies. I'll make a note to speak to Simon as well. That was a good call" He wrote down everything in his notebook. "Okay, I think that's everything I wanted to talk to you about. Thank you for your time," Julian placed his pen down on the desk.

"Happy to help," Francis smiled.

"Don't overwork yourself tonight now you've got new ideas" I warned him. He shook his head.

"I won't, that's tomorrow problem" He laughed.

"I think you should come and have a drink with us" Thomas piped up.

"Yeah, that's an idea" Francis looked at Julian. I honestly expected him to say he was busy and had to get back to his work but he didn't he just agreed without much of a fight.

"A drink sounds great" he closed his notebook and cracked his knuckles. I quickly dragged him out of his office before the man could change his mind. "I think Janus will probably be waiting for us," Francis commented. We need to make Janus a trainer. I know we don't need another one but Janus is the only one in our 'group' that isn't a trainer so I do feel like he can be left out. Not that he minds at all. He's friendly and gets along with most people so he's never alone.

When the four of us are together and we enter the main room most eyes are on us. As we get to the bar we all order a drink. The three boys behind the bar, Alex, Tommy and Callum, were more than happy to take our drinks orders. I'm surprised how quickly the queue went down when we arrived at the bar. They work efficiently together. "Remind me again when your munch is" Julian was speaking to Tommy.

"Is this Tuesday Sir" the boy smiled happily.

"I did say you could have all Friday off for it. Why Tuesday? It just seems an odd day for a meet up"

"Oli and Ro are going on holiday on Friday. We couldn't have them miss out." The orange-haired boy passed him his drink.

"Ah, of course, that makes sense."

"Plus when we counted in when Tyler and Gio were working and not knowing which day Eli was training we figured out Tuesday would be the best day." He shrugged happily. Huh. Elliot really has made a big impression on a lot of members of the Club. From what Simon has told me the super-secret sub group chat they have is only for certain subs of the club. Elliot isn't even trained and yet he's already closing ranks. Though I'm sure being best friends with the leader of the pack helps.

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