An Unexpected Twist

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We danced and chatted the rest of the night. I had come out of my session at 12 so we only had a couple of hours together. A little into the night Robin rushed over to us. His little smile brightly shining against his red face. He hugged Sim and then turned to me, hugging me tightly he asked "Eli! How was your first training session?"

"It was really good. I really enjoyed it. How was yesterday?" I asked. He giggled.

"It was wonderful" he sighed happily. "I adore scening with Master Francis." It seemed like his favourite song came on because he practically pulled us both onto the dance floor. He danced against me as I moved my hips and ran my hands through my hair. I was really getting into it when I heard a deep voice I recognised chat with Sim. I giggled excitedly and went a little harder, this sense of adrenaline coursing through me. I don't know where it came from but I wasn't mad at it.

I pushed my hips back and ended up accidentally grinding against someone's side. I jumped forward breathing heavily and turned to see Master Thomas behind me. Of course it was Master Thomas. I could have screamed. I blushed heavily and looked down. "Master Thomas. I'm so sorry. I didn't realise you were there." He lifted my chin with his thumb and his usually stern expression faltered slightly as the corner of his lip turned up.

"Look up at me. How was your first session?" He asked me. My eyes widened a little.

"Really good Sir. I really enjoyed it."

"Tell me pet what is your favourite position." I wanted to say rest or ease but I don't think that was an appropriate position to say. The most comfortable for me was Forgiveness.

"Forgiveness Sir."

"And your least?"

"Present Sir." He just looked me up and down.

"Interesting." With nothing more than a smirk he left me stood staring after him. I could not read him for the life of me. Once he had left my sight I turned back to Robin who squealed loudly with delight.

"I can't believe Master Thomas smirked at you! Ahh that's so hot!" I blushed and giggled happily.

Leaving the club that night without Sim did suck. He was scening with Master Nathaniel, though other Doms did ask him he was reserved for one Master only. I had said goodbye to Robin and the other subs as they walked with their incredibly handsome scene partners. Waiting for them to all go in I ended up getting out at about 2:30 and I was waiting for Jordan, another sub to get his Uber, I didn't want him to be on his own. I was actually excited to scene and felt a pang of jealousy as I looked at my pink band. If it was white I could scene, not long now, I just needed my training. I was checking my phone about to call an Uber when I heard someone stop next to me.

"Well Look here. Hello beautiful" I looked up and saw a man who I didn't recognise. My eyes quickly lowered and I glanced at his outfit. He was dressed smartly and his stance was strong.

"Hello Sir" I said quietly, not looking up.

"You just came out of there?" He glanced at the club smirking slightly.

"Yes I have."

"You're a sub then?"

"Yes Sir"

"Want to come back to my place?"

"No thank you" as much as I wanted to get it tonight I'm not ready at all, I still have lots of learn.

"Aw come on. You know you want to. I'll treat you real nice" he stepped closer to me and the smell of his cologne attacked my senses.

"I'm not trained yet" I showed him the pink band on my arm. He grabbed my arm tightly.

"I can train you then. Come with me, you won't regret it" he smirked as he tried to drag me. This was when I noticed he wasn't wearing any kind of wrist band. He wasn't part of the club!

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