Floggers and Paddles

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Wednesday. A day that's quickly turning into one of my favourites. Work was work. There's nothing much that went on. No exciting news, no update from Master Thomas about the meeting, just a bog-standard day in the office but once I stepped foot out of work my mind went to one thing and one thing only! The club. Tonight was my fourth session which means I've got Floggers and Paddles. The idea of a flogger still scares me but the marks left on Robin's skin were really beautiful.

I've always been into marking and claiming. I wore my hickeys with pride when I was in my bedroom with the door shut, and I had such a rush when I put on my rugby shorts and my knees were bruised. I've always bruised easily since I was a child so having bruises weren't uncommon but knowing deep down where those bruises actually came from when others think it's from sports gives me an exciting rush.

I decided to show off my legs in the leather shorts and my eyes lingered on a light pink shirt. I exchanged my white shirt, tie and black trousers for something much more scandalous. I wore a little mascara and some lipgloss as I pushed my hair back. The light pink shirt was a change. I'd forgotten how much I loved the way I looked wearing it. I bent over tying my laces when Sim came up behind me and slapped my ass. I yelped and jumped forward. "What was that for?" I snapped.

"Your ass looked good" he shrugged going into the kitchen like it was nothing.

"That hurt."

"Well, you better get used to it darlin' you've got paddles tonight." I just pouted a little.

"I'll drive you over. I'm not drinking tonight" Sim called as he began to throw grapes up into the air and catching them with his mouth.

"Shall we get going then?" I asked him. He nodded.

Adam was on security, he greeted us with a big smile. "Hello you two, how are you?"

"Good!" Sim smiled.

"Good yeah" I agreed.

"I'm glad."

"How are you? I heard that something exciting happened" Sim raised an eyebrow and leant in an excited smile on his face.

"I asked Tommy to be my boyfriend" Adam's face gained a bit of colour as his big smile only grew.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Sim laughed excitedly "about time!" We both already knew that Adam had asked Tommy out because he put a picture of his absolutely beautiful necklace in the group chat. I was so happy for them! They deserve each other. Speaking of the sub group chat Robin put a message in a little bit ago saying "have fun tonight Elliot. I know you will 😏." I smiled a little shaking my head, I know that this kind of thing is Robins favourite. We chatted to Adam for a little bit before I had to drag Sim into the club. I did not want to be late.

Looking over at the bar both Tommy and Calli were on shift but they were just talking leaning against the bar. I'll have to go and speak to them later. We got to Master Julian's office and I knocked on quietly. We waited for him to call us in. He wasn't alone. Master Francis was stood by the large set of drawers. He smiled at us. I glanced at Sim who nodded. I followed what he did as we greeted the two men. "Up both of you. Good boys" Master Julian gestured us. We both stood up and stepped back. "Now Elliot your training session today will be taken on by Francis. Are you okay with that?" My heart began to beat quite fast, Master Francis was quite intimidating. I glanced at Sim who smiled softly nodding.

"Yes, sir."

"Are you sure? It's not Simons call to make." Master Julian raised an eyebrow. I bit my lip.

"Yes sir I'm sure, I apologise."

"Apology accepted. Simon, you can go. Don't worry we'll take care of him." Sim squeezed my hand and nodded.

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