A Last Minute Scene

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Elliot's POV

Nothing big happened that night after my session with Master Julian. I had one drink with him, I danced with Sim, Robin and Tommy, I spoke with Masters' Warwick, Nathaniel, Janus and Thomas. Sim ended up scening with Master Killian, though I think that's because Master Nathaniel had left early, so I was going to take myself home. I awkwardly knocked on Master Julian's door at around ten to two to ask if I could have the plug. He called me in and I greeted him. "You're a good boy, Elliot," he told me tiredly running a hand through my hair.

"Sir, are you okay?" I asked him not that I didn't enjoy the attention but he seemed off.

"Just a bit tired I guess but it's nothing. Here you go" he told me passing over the box.

"You need to take care of yourself, Sir. Do you want me to get you anything?" I asked him placing my hand over his.

"Thank you for caring, Angel, but I'll be okay. I don't need anything."

"Are you sure, Sir? I could go and get you a coffee or a tea or something."

"You're too sweet, little one, but I promise you I'll be okay. Francis is scening tonight so he offered to close up the place once he's done. I'll be going home soon." He told me his thumb stroking my cheek.

"Do you want me to drop you off at home? I've got my car. I don't mind. You shouldn't be driving when you're tired. It's dangerous." I rambled a little.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'll be just fine. I promise. You really are an Angel" He laughed a little

I ended up dropping a couple of the boys off at home on my way back because I had my car. Master Warwick gave me his number and told me to text him when I got home. Once I got in at around 2:40 I text him telling him I was home safe and sound. A few minutes later I get a text back from him saying he was glad I was safe and that he'll see me soon. I smiled a little making myself a drink before going to bed. I've got a pretty long week ahead of me. I pulled off my clothes and put on my pyjamas before laying down in bed looking up at the ceiling. Right now would usually be the time when my overthinking starts but with a small ache in my ass I fell asleep pretty quickly, the last thing of the night I saw was the box with the plug in it.

The next morning an alarm blared at 10 which I didn't appreciate. I almost forgot that I was going back home for the day. I pulled myself out of bed and went to the bathroom. After a quick shower, I felt better. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a shirt I made my way into the kitchen. Sims door is shut so he's probably in bed. I didn't hear him come back last night.

I make something quick to snack on before leaving a note on the table telling him I'll see him tonight. I grabbed my keys off the side in my room and placed the box Master Julian gave me last night in my drawer. Grabbing my charger and shoving it in my jacket pocket I leave the house locking the door behind me. I was looking forward to going home. I haven't seen them in weeks. We don't live too far from each other which is always a positive.

It takes me less than an hour to get to my family home. I pulled up outside and made my way in. I pushed open the door only to be tackled by our German Shepard Yogi. I cuddle him for a little bit before making my way to the living room. "Could you be any bleeding louder" my mum laughed coming over to hug me.

"It wasn't me it was the dog." I laughed hugging her tightly.

"How are things?" She asked me.

"Pretty normal to be honest" I shrugged. Well I mean they weren't but there was no way in all of hell that I was going to tell her about my new 'hobby'.

"I'll put the kettle on you can tell me all about your life now you never come around." She feigned sadness as she made her way into the kitchen. I followed her sighing.

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