6. Twoset Daddy

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In this AU, Eddy is Brett's dad.


"I want mummyyyyyy!!!!!!"

Seven-year-old Brett was hysterical. He was bawling his eyes out and was getting more and more worked up as he screamed because he was having night terrors. This was the third night. His frail and tiny body was shaking.

"It's okay Brett, sweetie, it's alright, Daddy's here, okay? Daddy's right here."

Eddy hugged his son tightly into his chest and kissed the top of the crying boy's head, desperately trying to soothe him.

This was the third night from the day Brett's mother, (Eddy's wife) walked out on them.

"But I want mummyyyyyyy!!!!!!"

Brett screamed between hiccups and he gagged. Eddy grabbed the bath towel he had kept on Brett's bed to catch the mess. He carefully reached for the small bucket he also kept next to the bed in case Brett made himself sick again.

The stress of throwing up made the situation even more distressing. Brett was gagging and sputtering and all Eddy could do was gently rub his back as he held him close, repeatedly whispering into his ear.

"It's okay, Daddy's here, I'm going to make sure you are okay, I promise, okay?"

Eddy felt a sting in the back of his eyes. His vision started to blur but he was determined not to cry in front of his son.

"Daddy loves you."

"Daddy loves you so much."

Eddy isn't sure whether he was chanting these words in an attempt to soothe his son or whether he was simply trying to hold on to his own sanity.

Feeling heartbroken was an understatement seeing your own child in so much pain. Eddy knew Brett was heartbroken and just the thought of this shattered his heart into tiny shards.
Eddy was seething with rage towards his ex (technically she is still his wife but Eddy can't bring himself to describe her as such anymore).

How the f*ck can she do this to him?

Eddy didn't even care about what she had done to their marriage. He was just so angry that she would cause so much pain and anguish to their own flesh and blood.

Seven years later

Brett turned 14. Eddy bought him an electric shaver and some dumbbells for his birthday.

"Make sure you do some squats too. Nothing more off-putting than a skinny Asian guy with big guns and puny chicken legs."

"Haha so funny Dad"

Brett seemed genuinely amused by what Eddy said. He thought his dad is goofy and silly all the time and hitting puberty meant that Brett sometimes showed his father some teenage attitude. Eddy was a strict single dad and while he was happy to goof around with his son, he didn't tolerate any rudeness from the younger. Thankfully they had an established relationship and were able to be brutally honest with each other and enjoy peaceful and fun moments like this often.

"Hey Brett, I want to ask you something."

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Do you remember much from 7 years ago, when.. um... you know, when your mum and I split up?"


"How'd you think you handle it?"

"Oh... I dunno, I guess I did alright?"

"Yes, Brett, I think you did.."

"I remember it was pretty bad for a bit though."

Eddy flinched.

"Oh so you remember that, huh."

"I remember some of my friends' mums telling me how skinny I'd become."

Eddy's eyes opened wide.

"Geez, that's a bit insensitive isn't it."

"Yeah, if that's all they did, as in commenting. But y'know what, some of those mums tried to fatten me up with food. I liked the kids who had mums that fed me whenever I went over after school. Some of my friends told me that their mums insisted on bringing me over."

Eddy smiled.

Eddy remembered himself losing about 10 kilos within a timeframe of 3 months after the split up. Eddy was pretty slim to start off with, so the rapid weight loss was very obvious to the people around him. He would joke around that he was becoming a supermodel when colleagues noticed his thin wrists showing from his sleeves.

Eddy was more concerned about Brett though. The night terrors continued for about a month and the nightly throw-ups made little Brett very tired and thin.

He decided to close that chapter and focus on the present.

"Hey, Brett, ready for bed?"

"Yes, but Dad, I am 14 y'know, you really don't need to come and tuck me in."

Eddy ignored Brett's remark and continued with a grin.

"Hey, Brett guess what?"

"Geez Dad, like I just said, I'm  fourteen years old..."

"Guess what Brett."

"OMG, fine the usual drill? I know, I know, you love me."

Eddy's face lit up. He showed his goofy grin. 

"Yes, I do Brett."

".... g'nite Dad"


Brett rolled his eyes till they hurt. 

".. and I love you, too Dad."

"I know you do, thanks, son."


A/N: Twoset Daddy continues to the following sequels; 

Twoset Daddy II (Chapter 17)

Twoset Daddy III (Chapter 43)

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