11. Twoset Snowboarders

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A/N:  Thank you always for your support.

So in today's story, Brett is a snowboarding instructor!


"Hi everyone, my name is Brett, how are we all doing today ?"

Eddy's small group stood in a semi-circle surrounding Brett .

"So, this is the snowboarding for beginners class, let's see how many we have today... five? Perfect! My name is Brett and I'm your instructor for today. So, hands up if you've snowboarded before ? No? None of you ? That's great! 'Cos if you do have any experience, Imma gonna have to send you off to another class. I only want absolute beginners here !"

Eddy was a bit anxious before the lesson started but his mind was quickly put at ease when he heard Brett's friendly and calming voice. He was kinda cute too. He looked like he was in his mid to late 20s so Eddy guessed they were around the same age. He was shorter than Eddy, but Eddy was pretty tall and thought Brett must be average height for an Asian guy. Brett was wearing an oversized Santa hat like all the other ski and snowboarding instructors did and this made him look like an elf. 

"OK, so a quick round of introductions? Just your first name and where you're from ? I'll start, so I'm Brett, I'm a local boy, from Canberra. Yeah, I know it's a 2 hours drive away from here but that's still considered local in our Australian snow world, okay? So, how about you go next ?"

Brett points at Eddy.

"Huh? Oh, yeah sure. Hi, I'm Eddy, I'm from Brisbane."

"Hey nice to meet you Eddy, I suppose you don't get much snow up in Brissie, aye. Do you have any skiing experience?"

"Um... no, this is like the 2nd time I've ever seen snow and my first time on a ski slope."

"No worries Eddy. Okay, let's keep going clockwise."

After a quick round of introductions, Brett proceeded to teach the group how to clip their boots into and out of their snowboards, how to stand up and how to fall. Eddy and the rest of the students started practising falling forwards and backwards.

"Hey Eddy, how's it going ?"

Brett approached Eddy to check on his progress.

"I'm good Brett. It does hurt the wrists and knees after a while though."

"Yeah the snow's a bit compacted down here so you feel it more. If you are here for a few more days it may be worth investing in some wrist guards and kneepads."

Brett clapped his palms together and the protective plastic on his wrist guards made a clicking noise. The gesture made him look rather adorable.

"How's your backside Eddy?"

"Huh ? I think it's okay but why ?"

Brett grinned.

"Yeah it looks okay to me, too but..  Sorry, I was joking but that was probably inappropriate.  Look, it's just that some students complain that falling backwards hurts their arse.  You can actually get padded pants for that, too ya know."

Eddy felt a flutter in his stomach but quickly decides he should pretend he wasn't affected by what Brett just said.

"Nah mate, I suppose my fat arse can take a few falls."

They both laugh out loud.

"Okay, we're now going to take this T bar lift up this small hill..."

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