7. Twoset Manga-ka

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A/N: Hi there. I only started publishing on Wattpad about a week ago (I've been doing almost daily uploads) and just had my first votes come my way!  As a newbie on Wattpad, it really made my day!  Thank you so much for the votes, it's so nice to get a response!


A/N: A manga-ka is a cartoonist.  The suffix –ka in Japanese is equivalent to –cian or –ist in English. Incidentally, a musician is an ongaku-ka, as ongaku means music.

Moe is a Japanese word that refers to feelings of strong affection.


Brett was a popular online cartoonist. Eddy was his assistant. The two met on an online manga-site where creators could upload and showcase their work.  Brett was a brilliant storyteller and a lot of his work had been ranked in the high charts. Some of his work was monetized on this particular site, which Eddy, an avid manga reader, became an instant fan of Brett's work. After pressing the "love" button to express his admiration for Brett's work, Eddy proceeded to send Brett comments about how much he enjoyed his manga.

Although the first few messages that were sent by Eddy were very fan-girly, they later became very specific, detailed, insightful and constructive. Brett instantly recognised Eddy's comments as invaluable feedback and responded by initiating a private message to thank him. Soon they were chatting regularly.  This was when Brett found out that Eddy was also an amateur artist who had dropped out of art school. Eddy had not drawn any manga yet at this stage but loved reading them and was brilliant in drawing background scenery and bodies.  As their friendship developed they started to share more and more about their personal lives, Brett had asked Eddy if he would be interested in visiting Brett's studio, which coincidently wasn't that far from where Eddy lived. After seeing Eddy's portfolio he had brought along to the studio, Brett suggested if Eddy would be interested in working as his assistant.

"I need a real person to work with to remain as an active member of the real-life society. Plus because I don't have any formal art training, I could really use your help in drawing a lot of stuff."

Eddy was stoked.  He got to work with an artist he admired!"

Brett turned around on his swivel chair, away from his desk and called Eddy who was sitting on the floor.

"Eddy, can you stop what you're doing there and give me a hand?"

"Sure Brett, what's up?"

Eddy looked up from where he was sitting - on the carpeted floor, cross-legged behind a large coffee table.

Their work, sheets of manga manuscript was spread all over the table.   Brett worked both digitally and on paper.  Today Eddy was working on whiting out some errors on some old-school black and white manga manuscripts while Brett looked like he was doing some sketches off his computer.

"Can you model a violin player?"

"Sure Brett, I actually used to play a bit so I should be able to pose for it properly.  What do you need ?"

"Yeah, I actually remembered you saying that before.  Just the hands for now.  I need them in some weird angles I can't find online."

Brett looks around their studio.

What if I ain't no violinist?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя