45. Twoset Teachers VII

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It was lunchtime in the teachers' lounge and science teachers Brett and Eddy were chatting about their new classes acquired from the new year.

"Hey Eddy, how have your classes been ?"

"Brett, they've been pretty good, I like them."

"All your classes ?"


"That's great. I'm really happy for you."

Eddy chuckled.

"Aren't the Year 7s tiny."

Brett laughed.

"Oh yeah, that's right, you started mid-year last year and only had Years 9 to 11, didn't you? The new Year 7's would definitely appear tiny to you. After all, they were in primary school just 3 months ago."

"Yeah, and they're super cute."


"I told them I'll organise lab coats for them to wear for lab work in their next science lesson and they were so excited."

Brett smiled.

"Oh, but Brett, I've already embarrassed myself."

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"Oh no, Eddy, what have you done now ?"

"Geez, Brett must you say that to me this year too? I was hoping I'd grown out of that by now."

"Not a chance in hell, this is only your second year of teaching !! So what have you done now ?"

"I went up to this student and told him that I taught his younger brother last year."

"Yeah ? So ?"

"He said 'No sir, that was me, I grew 3 inches during the holidays.'"

Brett burst out laughing.

"Oh my god that's hilarious."

Brettany was in Year 7 and had just started high school at the beginning of this year. She loved it for the most part. She liked her new school uniform and her teachers and classmates were nice and she has been settling in very nicely. Except for one thing. Her science classes.

She really liked her science teacher, Mr Chen. She thought he was friendly, funny and quite handsome. A lot of her friends have said the same thing. On her first science lesson Mr Chen shyly introduced himself and said he was a new teacher, so he was sort of like them. "I'm new to high school, too!" he said. She thought that was kinda cute.

So she really liked her science teacher. The problem was, Mr Chen told the class that the first thing she had to learn in his science class was to light a Bunsen burner and Brettany was a pyrophobic – she was scared of flames.

Her first 2 science classes were held in a normal classroom so they went through class rules, laboratory safety rules and a worksheet about the parts of a Bunsen burner. Today was their third science lesson and their first time in a laboratory.

"So, who's lit a match before ?"

Brettany was surprised when Mr Chen asked that question. Mr Chen was actually surprised that only 5 students put their hand up.

"So... um you guys don't light candles? Or ... I dunno, light fireworks? No? Hmm.. I suppose I come from a different era, hey."

Mr Chen smiled.

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