177. Twoset Veterinarian XV (Liszt's curse 5)

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A/N: This is the fifth episode of a short story within the Twoset Veterinarian series. The previous chapters are:

173. Twoset Veterinarian XI

174. Twoset Veterinarian XII

175. Twoset Veterinarian XIII

176. Twoset Veterinarian XIV


"....No Eddy, try again."

Eddy recognised the voice.

The shadow stepped over closer. The light from the bedroom lamp escaping from the slightly ajar bedroom door was enough to tell who the person was.


"Hi Eddy."

"H, how did you get in..?"

Clyde held up his hand. His fingers held onto Eddy's favourite cat tail keyring with his key on it.


"Clyde..? You had my key? What brings you here so late..?"

Clyde smiled.

"Well, yeah. 'Cos you invited me when you squeezed past me as you were moving behind the counter during our shift."

"W, what?"

"You brushed your ass along my thighs. Your keyring hanging from the back pocket of your tight jeans, inviting me to take it.. what a come-on. I always thought you were cute. Then you invite me over in the most adorable way.."

Eddy stammered.

"W, what??? N, no, I wasn't..."

Clyde tut-tutted disapprovingly.

"I was, however, a bit disappointed you've had a thing going on with Brett along the side as well.."

"What?? Brett? I don't understand."

"Oh don't play dumb with me Eddy, Brett's admitted that he stayed the night with you. Even you said that you guys have been having sleepovers since your early teens."

"They've always been innocent sleepovers Clyde..!"

"Innocent? I don't think so."

"Brett is... he's my best friend. We're not a couple."

Brett is.. my best friend and the love of my life. I wish we were a couple.

"Ooooh I get it, so you guys are like best friends with benefits?"

"N... no!! We're not like that.. we're just close friends..!!"

We've been close friends forever and I've been too scared to take it further in case he rejects me.

"Hmm well maybe a bit too close for my liking Eddy. If you want us to happen, I think you need to dump him."

I would never dump Brett, never.

"Clyde.. I.. I'm sorry but I never wanted you and I to happen in any way. This is totally a misunderstanding."

"Oh c'mon!!"

Exasperated, Clyde raised his voice and Eddy stepped back into the living room wall adjacent to his bedroom door.

"Clyde.. I'm telling you, it's a misunderstanding..!!"

I want Brett. I always wanted him.. and I wanted the world to know we are together so I wouldn't ever be misunderstood like this.

Clyde looked at the slightly ajar door next to Eddy and let out a grin.

"That's your bedroom door, isn't it? Why don't we talk in there?"

Eddy shook his head.

"N, no, Clyde, I don't think that's a good idea.."

"Oh c'mon, you let Brett in there? Not only did you willingly let him in there, you willingly let him in your bed too. I saw the silhouette of you guys when one of you turned on your bedside lamp last night."

"What..? Y..you were outside my bedroom?"

The sound... the crunching noise..
It was Clyde stepping on the gravel in the courtyard..!!

"Now Eddy, I wasn't very happy at all.. seeing you and Brett.. the silhouette of you guys sitting in bed hugging and pashing..."

"We weren't pashing... I was just having a bad night and..."

Clyde interrupted.

"So you have a bad day or a bad night or whatever and in order to feel better you invite your close friend over to join you in bed? That's pretty suss, Eddy."

Clyde stepped in closer and as Eddy instinctively put his hands up to tell Clyde to stop coming any closer, Clyde proceeded to grab Eddy by the wrist.

"So, into the bedroom?"

"N.. no..!!"

"Geez Eddy, I expected you to be a bit more compliant.. like you've always been at work."

"W, what? That's totally different!!"

"C'mon Eddy, let's go.."

"I said no..!!"

Clyde's face twitched in annoyance.

"Why aren't you doing what I ask you to do like when we are at work?!"

Clyde was taller and wider than Eddy. He pulled Eddy by the wrist as he placed his other hand on Eddy's bedroom door and pushed it open.

"Go on, I'll let you lead the way then."

Clyde pulled Eddy to stand in front of him and pushed Eddy's back to make him stagger into his bedroom.

As Eddy entered the bedroom heard a large hiss. He looked up.

Eddy saw Liszt, perched on top of Eddy's bookshelf next to his bedroom window.

Behind him he heard Clyde;

"What the f*ck was that?"

Eddy turned around.

Clyde heard it too!?

Clyde looked confused.

"What is it Eddy?"

Another long and loud hiss.

Eddy turned back towards the bookshelf. Liszt looked pissed. His mouth opened wide as he let out another long hiss, his pupils were in thin vertical slits and his ears flattened like aeroplane wings.


Eddy then sensed Clyde standing right behind him.


Eddy's vision blurred with tears.

Oh my god how much punishment am I copping today!?

Eddy wasn't sure what scared him more. Clyde whispering his name as he felt the intruder's hand grip the back of his neck, or Liszt letting out another hiss as he leapt from the top of the bookshelf towards him.


To be continued...

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