200. Twoset Searchers VII

201 11 102

A/N: 200th chapter !!!


Eddy entered the company tea room and approached the small table in the corner where Warren sat, looking at his phone.  Ordinarily, Eddy would not go near the guy.  In fact he would not even touch the guy with a 10 feet pole, but this morning he walked straight up to him and smiled as he said;

"Good morning Warren, can I sit here?"

Warren looked up and scoffed;

"What? What the f*ck do you want, Eddy?"

Eddy rolled his eyes.

Hmm, maybe this ain't worth it after all..

"Oh, y'know, I just thought I'd join you for a morning coffee if that's alright?"

Warren sneered.

"What about your little boyfriend? Wouldn't he get all jealous and come pick a bitch fight with me? Like scratch my eyeballs out and pull my hair?"

Eddy chuckled.

"I don't think so Warren. Brett's not like that. I can have a coffee with a colleague at my own will, don't worry."

Warren spat out.

"I'm not worried Eddy, just saying."

"So.. it's okay if I sit here?"

"Suit your f*cking self."

Eddy wondered how Warren could be so unpleasant. He was so talented in that regard. Any more rudeness and the guy may win a medal of some sort. WRP, Worlds' rudest person. The guy had no contest for Gold.

"Okay, thanks. Warren."

Eddy placed his coffee cup on the table, removed his shoulder bag and sat down diagonally across him at the small square table, in the least threatening position.

Warren mumbled;

"So, where is your little boyfriend anyway?"

Eddy hummed.

"You mean Brett?  He's not my boyfriend but anyway, I dunno. I didn't see him in the office area when I had a quick look on my way here so he's probably still on his way to work?"

"He's not?  I thought he was.  Don't you guys come to work together? Hand in hand?"

Eddy chuckled.

"No, he's not. And no, we don't."

"So you guys aren't living together?"

"No, we aren't."

"Well, are you guys gonna?"

"Well.. I'm not after a flatmate at the moment.. and I don't think Brett is either..?"

"Man, I thought you guys were together."

"Hmm.. no.. not in that way.. we're just friends."

"...Are you sure about that?"

"Um.. yeah. We're just good friends."

"I thought you guys were lovey dovey."

Eddy chuckled.

"Lovey what?"

"Y'know. All crazy about each other in looooooooooooooove."

Eddy smirked.

"Well.. I suppose I'm quite fond of the guy.."

"I knew it!!"

"Warren, I knew that, too"

"Well what about Brett? Are the feelings mutual?"

"Well.. I suppose we get along quite well, so I'm hoping he doesn't dislike me?"

"Oh f*ck, what are you? 14?? Why can't you get your sh*t together and get on with it??"

"Get on with what?"

"Ya know. Hit him in the head with your club and take him back to your cave."

Eddy cringed.

"I'm almost certain he won't apprecaite that. Besides, it's really not my style Warren."

"Yeesh, so what is exactly your style?"

"Hmm... I dunno.. I guess I'm kinda shy."

"Oh please. You're a grown man for f*ck sake. Stop acting like a 14 year old girl."

"14 year old girls go clubbing boys they like and drag them back to their caves?"

Warren almost spat out his coffee.


Eddy stared in awe at his colleague who had burst out laughing.

Warren noticed Eddy's stare and stopped laughing.

"Whaddya f*cking looking at?"

"Geez Warren, your potty mouth."

"Oh stop being so prude."

"Hey I can swear like a sailor, too. I do need to keep it in check though so that I don't accidentally let it slip while I'm on the phone with a client... comes with the job to regulate my swearing when you're the company helpline."

"Oh yeah, I suppose. So.. don't you wanna spend more time with Brett by living with him? Why don't you just ask him to move in with you?"

Eddy bit his lower lip.

"I.. I would have to think about that and discuss it with him."

"So you're not just gonna ask him?"

"..No, not yet anyway. Look, I really can't discuss this with you Warren. I'd like it too if Brett spoke to me first about something that involved the two of us."

"Humph. I suppose."

"So.. Warren, what about you? Are you living with your.. partner?"

"Me? Nah I live by myself."

"Okay.. so the same question applies then.. why aren't you living with your.. partner?"

"Humph. Maybe because such person doesn't exist..?"

"Oh. Well... fair enough. So this person just hasn't made an appearance yet, hey."


"Has? Oh? So you do have a love interest. Well if that's the case, why don't you just.... and y'know these are your own words Warren, just club this person and drag them back to your cave?"

Warren bit his lower lip. He then gave Eddy a very intense stare as he replied.

"Because.. you said... that you were almost certain that this person would not appreciate it."

A/N: This was the 200th chapter !! I did it!! I completed a whole book!! Thank you to all my reader-sans for your support for the last 9 months since my Wattpad debut and release of this first book of mine. Hope to share more stories with you in Volume 2 ~ What if I ain't no Violinist !!

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