34. Twoset Grapefruit Boys II

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A/N: Yes I am fully aware that this is such a weird title... it's because of its first episode Chapter 26. Twoset Grapefruit Boys, today's episode is part prequel and part sequel, though this chapter could be read first.


Their adopted daughter, Claire loved listening to her dads' stories.

Fifteen years ago, we had registered to become foster parents.


"Hey Eddy, the social worker just called me. They want us to foster a little girl from this evening."

"Okay, I'm home at the moment. I'll start getting things ready."

"Thanks, I'll stop over by the shops and be home soon."

"She doesn't have a name yet."

Brett raised an eyebrow and questioned the social worker.

"She's 5 years old and doesn't have a name yet?"

"Well, she actually does.. but too many horrible memories associated with it, she dislikes being called by that name so much so we thought her new adoptive family could give her a new name.. so maybe you could work something out with her... we would prefer a temporary nickname like Sweetheart while she's being fostered but if she positively responds to a name, that's okay with us too."


Brett remembered he had a young nephew but then realised with a bit of shock that his so-called little nephew was in fact a teenager now and Brett could not recall what he looked like almost 10 years ago.

Brett looked over to the little girl who was sitting on the living room carpet next to Eddy in front of the TV watching cartoons. She looked ridiculously tiny next to Eddy.

"Um, is it just me or does she look really small for a 5 year old?"

"Yes, she is very small. She hasn't been fed well and has been living under stressful circumstances."

Brett's heart sank.

"..Any allergies?"

"None that we know so far. Please stick to a simple diet, as our nutritionist has requested you write out all the food she's eaten in this notebook. In case we need to trace back any allergies."

"Sure. Not a problem."

'Any questions, please call me."

"Of course. Thank you for bringing her to us."

"Hey sweetie, this is your room."

The little girl stopped at the doorway.

"There's your bed. Are you ready to go to sleep?"

She clutched onto Eddy's hand.

"Okay, we can go inside together."

Brett stayed a couple of steps behind them and stopped at the doorway. He didn't want to cramp up the room and overwhelm the little girl.

"Here you go, you can sleep here."

The little girl lied down on the bed but her little hands still held onto Eddy's. Eddy used his free hand to put the blanket on top of the little girl.

What if I ain't no violinist?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon