28. Twoset Blind Dating Musicians: Edwina Edition

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A/N:  Hi y'all.  Here's another non-AU one-shot for today.
This episode was inspired by twosetmeridian who has written some very iNtErEsTiNg one-shots about Twoset Episodes and more.  Thank you for the inspiration!! <3  


When Twoset decided to do an Edwina edition of Blind Dating Musicians, Brett had decided to secretly enter the competition as well. He didn't want to make it too obvious though. His friend and violin duet partner of almost 15 years knew him so well like the back of his own hand, including the sound and tone he could produce on the violin.

In order to sound different, Brett initially thought he would use Eddy's violin. However, he remembered an episode Twoset recorded with professional soloist Benny Tseng and his Stradivarius. The conclusion that came about from that video was that while the quality of the sound was affected somewhat by the quality of the violin, the largest factor by far was the ability of the violinist. So Brett didn't think he could make himself sound that different just because he played Eddy's violin which was of similar quality as his own.

So instead, while Eddy was busy in a meeting on their behalf, Brett snuck out to visit a musical instrument shop and purchased one of the lower end scale violins for absolute beginners. He tried playing a few phrases at the shop and was pleased that he sounded quite different. The shop assistant, obviously a fellow violinist, gave his advice;

"Sir, I think you may need a better violin to match your skills..."

Brett smiled.

"Thank you for your kind words, but I'm okay with this, I'll take it, thank you."

He recruited an extra contestant from the group of people who auditioned for the competition. He asked a guy called Simon who was a similar build as himself, he wasn't a musician but had come along with his friend who was. Brett asked Simon to be his "voice" and they worked out a script to cater for any questions "Edwina" may ask from the other end of the partition.

"Let the game begin!"

As "Edwina" took her seat on the other side of the partition, Brett walked towards the other side. He would purposely move in and out of Edwina's field of vision so that she knew that Brett was busy as part of the filming crew. Brett carefully snuck into the row of contestants as he placed his index finger on his lips, shooshing everyone so that they would not react.

Edwina's head shot up as soon as Brett's pre-recorded piece started to play from the portable speaker held in his hands. The response was very quick, looking back on the video footage, it was clear that Edwina noticed something special almost from the very first note. She looked confused as she slowly and nonchalantly looked around the studio.

Brett had already handed the portable speaker to Simon and was standing in Edwina's view. Brett and Edwina's eyes met. Brett wriggled his eyebrows in an approving manner. Edwina gave the same look as if to say "yeah, this guy is good."

"Honey, you have a beautiful technique. I'm such a sucker for technicians, especially for violin."

Simon, who was filling in for Brett replied shyly.

"Thank you, Edwina, I'm glad you liked it."

Brett made it through the first round. He was in competition against another violinist called Leonid and he was curious as to whether he could beat him.

As Brett's turn to play Edwina's request neared, Brett pretended that he received a phone call and discreetly excused himself from the studio, making sure Edwina would have still noticed.  Brett then re-entered the studio from the back door. It was now Simon's turn, the "2nd violinist" to play.

Edwina chirped.

"Well, since Leonid played Ysaye in lieu of my initial request of Paganiniana, I'd like you to play Paganiniana for me, Simon."

And so Brett obliged and played. He ever so slightly messed up his favourite passage and played slightly off-tune in areas he knew were Eddy's favourites.

"Simon, that was beautiful. You certainly are skilful. But darling, I don't know, maybe your violin has sentimental value but it honestly doesn't do you justice. I'd love to hear you play with a different violin."

Brett blurted out.

"Are you serious ?"

"Yeah Brett, do you mind lending Simon your violin ?"

"Oh, um, yeah, sure."

Brett walked out into Edwina's view and placed the inexpensive violin onto a table. He then grabbed his violin and stepped behind the partition, pretending to hand his violin to Simon.

"There you go."

"Thanks Brett. So Edwina, should I just play the same song?"

Brett flinched.

Edwina chirped as if nothing happened.

"Yes please Simon, that would be great."

It was time for the 2nd Elimination.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to have to eliminate the 1st violinist because I'm loyal to Brett's Ysaye..."

"Oh and I'm sorry, I'm going to have to eliminate the 2nd violinist, too.  I was so impressed with your technique though, I wished you would finger all over my G string but I must be loyal to my violin partner."

Edwina was out of control.  The closeup of Simon cringing and Brett dead-pan made a very iNtErEsTiNg picture.

Zach, the vocalist ended up with Edwina and they took some cute footage of them vocally flirting with each other.

When the official filming was over, Edwina dropped 2 octaves back to Eddy's voice. He knew the camera was still rolling.

"You guys almost got me!!"

Simon scratched his head.

"Sorry Brett, I didn't know you don't call them songs."

Eddy smiled at Simon.

"Don't worry, I knew Brett was scheming something way before then."

Brett exclaimed.

"What ?? Just when did you know ?"

"Man, I think I could tell it was you from the first few bars in the first round. It could be because I kinda suspected you might try to pull off something like this.  But you fooled me pretty well with the pre-recording and getting Simon to do your voice."

"Man that was pretty stressful, but I think it made the game iNtErEsTiNg ."

"You know, I should've asked Simon to play Sarasate Navarra with Edwina to make it even more iNtErEsTiNg."

"Oh my god"

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