125. Twoset Firefighters XI / Competitors IX Mashup VI

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"Brett? You right?"

"Yes, Eddy I'm fine. It's not like I'm back late am I?"

"Um.. no."

It was the first time Instructor Eddy saw Instructor Brett agitated and this was only a very small ripple compared to other cranky people.

Instructor Brett started the last section of the day;

"Welcome back everyone. Our last section for today we'd like to show you some floor work. Something realistic and some tips and hints on how to take advantage of someone who is smaller or larger than you. Okay back on the mats everyone...

..Okay so of course there's no guarantee that you will always end up on soft ground but of course we all practice on something easy first.

..So.. let's say Eddy, who's larger and stronger than me is on top."

Instructor Brett threw himself on his back on the mat, tapped his abs to invite Instructor Eddy to straddle him.

"...And he is strangling me with both hands."

Eddy obliged and thrust his hands around Brett's neck and attempted to strangle him.

"Okay, so he's like really strong here..."

Brett's voice had gone up an octave. He tapped on Eddy's arm and Eddy loosened his grip.

"Okay, I just did that because I don't like my falsetto voice."

Everyone laughed.

"On a serious note, don't forget to tap out if the grip is too strong. Partners, be kind and keep an eye out for any signs of distress when you're practising this."

Instructor Brett then went through the steps on how to loosen his attacker's grip, followed by how to throw (or "bridge") an attacker over. Brett now ended up straddling Eddy.

"So using your opponent's momentum is key here. You have to jolt him the opposite way then create a flow to go the way you want to. Have a go everyone, larger partner attacking first."

Firefighter Brett let out a little sigh before he plastered on his signature deadpan face as he lied down on the mat. He was seething with an emotion he couldn't explain. He suspected his partner Eddy was having a conversation with Instructor Brett that was similar to what he previously had with Instructor Eddy... except his Eddy and Instructor Brett were both the "crushes" whereas himself and Instructor Eddy were both the ..."crushees"?? if there was even such a word. So were they just gloating between each other about having their partners crushing on them? It just didn't seem fair.

Meanwhile, Firefighter Brett's partner Eddy had straddled him around his waist and reached his hands out towards his neck.

Firefighter Eddy grinned and whispered to his partner.

"Hey Brett, I wonder if you'd sound like the other Brett too if I strangled you"

Firefighter Brett blushed and cringed at the same time.

"OMG Eddy, that's so weird on so many levels, quit it."

Eddy smirked.

"Fine. Just tap me if I'm hurting you."

Brett felt Eddy's large hands around his comparatively slender neck. He felt Eddy's grip gradually tightening. Brett didn't want to give Eddy the satisfaction of making his voice go up an octave. So Brett quickly went into his defence move by grabbing Eddy's shoulders and pushing out his elbows with his own. Eddy lost his balance and leaned in forward, his face at an uncomfortably close distance from Brett's.


Brett made sure he didn't stop there and kept going. He yanked Eddy to the right to fake a movement so that Eddy would make a countering move to Brett's left in order to retain his balance. Brett used that movement and rode on its momentum to push Eddy over and the two men rolled over together, landing Eddy on his back and Brett on top.

"Ow... WTF....Brett, you seem to have this hidden talent in self defence..."

"Eddy.. tell me what you were talking to that instructor about me during the break."


"Are you going to tell me?"

Firefighter Brett had his left hand on Eddy's neck and raised his right hand in a striking position. It was the routine set by Instructor Brett but Firefighter Brett looked serious as if he was prepared to really strike Firefighter Eddy.


Firefighter Brett took a swing towards Firefighter Eddy's head. Eddy blocked Brett's strike with his left arm. He proceeded to grab Brett's shoulder with his left hand. Eddy's right hand also grabbed Brett's left hand that was on his throat. He bridged Brett and the two rolled over and swapped positions again, Eddy back on top. Brett grimaced and hissed through his teeth;

"Tell me Eddy..!"


This time Eddy strangled Brett harder.

Firefighter Brett refused to let Eddy hear his voice hitch up. So Brett tried to bridge Eddy over again.. except he responded too late this time. He glared at Eddy. Brett should've tapped Eddy on the arm to loosen his grip. But he had forgotten in the heat of the moment.

Brett's eyes rolled. He felt like he was falling. He saw a blurred image of Eddy's face break into a panic before he realised he couldn't breathe and things started to go dark...

A moment later Brett was able to breathe again.



"You.. f*cking idiot...!!! You almost dropped on me..!!!"


"You almost f*cking passed out on me!! You should've tapped!!!"

"I.. forgot.."

"Hey, is he okay?"

It was Instructor Brett.

"Eddy...? What happened..?"

Firefighter Brett snapped.

"Nothing happened, Brett. I forgot to tap. Eddy was executing control. He'd kept his eyes on me and let go as soon as I was about to drop. I'm fine. I just need some air"

"Here, Brett lemme help you up...."


Brett got up and staggered his first few steps before he quickly walked outside.

What if I ain't no violinist?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora