90. Twoset Veterinarian IV

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Eddy entered the examination room wearing a lab coat and a chart in his hand.


"Hi Eddy, I did call but couldn't get you on your mobile so I just booked through Edwina and came in."

"Sure, that's okay. I was in surgery. Edwina told me about your booking. ...I thought you didn't want to bring Pag and Nini here anymore."

Brett has had a couple of embarrassing incidences in this vet clinic where his live-in boyfriend Eddy worked as a vet and Brett had declared that he was now very reluctant to come here. It was, however, all talk. Brett would definitely overcome his embarrassment if there was anything worrying about their cats, Pag and Nini, both named after Paganini.

"Eddy, Nini has developed a bald patch on her tummy."

"What ? Oh no.. let's get her out of her carrier. C'mere girl... come show Daddy your tummy."

Brett cringed.

"Oh my god Eddy, I hope you don't talk like that at work...!!"

Eddy gave Brett a puzzled look.

"What ? Why would I? I'm only Pag and Nini's Daddy. Here pussy..."

Brett continued to cringe as he watched Eddy take Nini out of her carrier,  pick her up, flip her over and try to part her tummy fur. He then looked up and extended his arms with Nini towards Brett.

"Here, do you mind holding her? I could get Edwina to help but you'd be okay with Nini wouldn't you?"

"Yeah, sure, of course."

Pag was a much more aggressive cat and sometimes even Eddy couldn't hold him down. If it was Pag here today, Eddy would've held Pag and got Edwina the vet nurse to part his fur. But since Nini was Brett's favourite cat and she was pretty timid, Brett was able to hold Nini as Eddy gently parted her tummy fur to check for any patches of missing fur.

"Oooh noooo"

"What, what is it, Eddy?"

"Brett.. I think Nini is allergic to something. What food was she eating now?"

"I think it was a seafood one.."

"Hmm... that must be it.. Nini's allergic to seafood."

Brett widened his eyes in surprise.

"What the f*ck? But she's a cat !! Cat's can't be allergic to seafood !!? That's like a Taiwanese person allergic to bubble tea ...or a Japanese person allergic to soy beans.. or an Italian person allergic to tomatoes !!!"

Eddy burst out laughing.

Brett scoffed in indignation.

"What's so frickin' funny now?"

Eddy smiled.

"You. You're so funny ....and adorable."

"Oh my f*ckin' god."

Brett blushed.

"Oh Brett I get what you mean and yes it is a bit like that but I'm afraid it's true. We'll have to get Nini some cat food made from meat and not seafood."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, dead serious. She's getting itchy in her sensitive areas and she's licking it a lot, hence the bald patch. If it gets worse it will be unpleasant for her. We'll just switch to a meat-only product for both cats, it'll just be easier than trying to feed Pag and Nini different food."

"Yeah, knowing what a pr*ck your Pag is, he'd steal whatever food Nini is having if we make it different."

"Oi, who's baby are you calling a pr*ck?"

"Oh my god, Eddy please stop talking so weird... you're at work for goodness sake."

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