150. Twoset Timetravellers

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A/N: Yipee! 150th chapter!!


Brett had just sat down at the breakfast table with a cup of fresh coffee he had prepared. He felt stiff and unrested.


Brett knew that voice and tone.

Now what.

Brett inhaled deeply in an attempt to calm himself down before he answered.

"Yeeeees Eddy?"

"Would you please come down to the basement?"

Brett sighed. He placed his coffee cup onto the dining table.

"Okay, I'm coming downstairs now. Just don't surprise me with some weird sh*t like you did last time."

"I know, I know. I've learnt my lesson from last time. I promise I won't ever do that again."

Brett arrived at the base of the staircase that lead down to the basement.

Eddy stood on the other side of a large workshop table, smiling.


"Good morning Brett."

"I missed you in bed. Were you down here all night?"

"Yeah.. sorry.. I had a breakthrough and couldn't stop."

"Okay.. so what am I looking at?"

"This, Brett, is a time machine."

"Oh f*ck, please, no."

"What, you don't like it?"

"It's not about liking it or not liking it Eddy."

"Then what is it about?"

"A time machine? C'mon, it's just our old vacuum cleaner connected to your laptop...!!"

"Yeah it's good how the Dyson's cyclone technology helped me fine-tune the time vortex I needed to generate."

"Eddy... I do appreciate that it is rather entertaining when you fantasise about an idea, I mean you're so creative, but.."

"No..!! This is legit. Come and grab the rod."

Brett scoffed.

"What, just grabbing it allows you to time travel? Oh c'mon."

"Well, you could actually ride it like a broomstick, I thought that would be kinda cool.. except it gets quite painful after a while.. particularly when we're landing."

Brett cringed.

"F*ck. Okay, fine, I'll hold onto the rod. I ain't gonna ride that thing after hearing that!!"



"Are we there yet?"

"OMG Brett what are you, a four year old!?"

"I'm booooored!!"

"OFFS I told you it's gonna take a long time the longer you wanna go back. I haven't installed the quantum accelerator yet."

"But I wanted to go see the dinosaurs!!"

"OMG that's it, Brett Yang, you are officially 4 years old. Now have a little nana nap and I'll wake you up when we're there."

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