22. Twoset Anthropologists II

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A couple of months have passed and the semester was coming to an end.

Brett was outside Associate Professor Chen's office. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he overheard a phone conversation that took place inside.

"..His name is Brett, Brett Yang. I know, it's so bad. What? Oh god no way, I certainly hope not, that would be the pits. I should just fail him so he'll end up with a Terminating Pass. Look, I'm just joking alright ??"

Brett knocked on the door.

"Gotta go, I love you, too, mwah. Catch you later."

The lecturer opened his door and was shocked when he saw who had paid him a visit.


Brett showed no emotion, he tried to hide his hurt by putting up his only defence, his dead-pan facial expression.

"...Here's my medical certificate for missing out on my assessment the other day, Professor Chen. I'd like to sit for the exam at your earliest convenience, even if you want to fail me."

"Oh my god, you heard that garbage?? I am so sorry Brett, it was all a joke and it was very inappropriate."

"Yeah... I was quite disappointed in hearing all that..."

Brett tried to walk away but the lecturer stopped him by calling out.

"Brett, please, let me talk to you?"

"I don't think I should...."

"Please, Brett."

Once they were both seated inside the office, the lecturer apologised again.

"Look Brett, I am really sorry – that was so inappropriate, please do accept my apologies."

"..What have I done sir. Why would you say something like that...?"

"You haven't done anything. ...I've been wanting to ask you out."


"I'm really sorry."

"Is this some kind of joke?  Like a dare?"

"No!  Definitely not, I swear."

"I don't understand."

"Conflict of interest. I can't ask you out while you are my student. Which is why I was joking about failing you."

"...to your boyfriend?"

"Huh ?"

"You said love you too"

And let's not forget the mwah!

"I was talking to my sister! She gave me a whooping for falling for a student."

"Your sister?"

"Yes, she's a lecturer here too and knows how bad this is."

"...and you were telling her that this has never happened before?"

"Yes. I swear. I've never crushed on a student before, ever."

Brett stared blankly at the lecturer who had buried his face into his hands.

"Technically you are still my student, you haven't even taken the exam yet. There is so much room for people to suspect that I..."

"It's okay... no real harm is done, sir. I'll just take the exam.. tomorrow ?"

The lecturer looked up.

"..Of course. How about I have it ready in the tutorial room for 9am ?"

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