46. Twoset Singers III

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"I'm in Brisbane too."

Eddy quickly typed up his short reply message at his work desk but hesitated in sending it. Then he remembered something.

Oh my god I should write about our collab... I better listen to the songs he sung with me again before I write anything!!!

Eddy quickly tapped backspaces and cancelled his message and listened to the recordings again using his ear pods.

He could not suppress a grin escape his lips. As he listened to the next song and then the next, Eddy's grins kept escaping him, making him smile from ear to ear. It was such a nice feeling to have someone join you for a duet. And brettybang knew how to do duets so well. Eddy felt none of their duets sounded like two people singing separately but like a real collaboration and this was because brettybang made an effort to sing in a way to match up with Eddy's pre-recorded vocals. Furthermore, Eddy loved the way they sounded so good together, their voices so compatible.

Eddy felt a tap on his shoulder and looked up.

"Fangirling again ? Has she rung you now?"

Eddy removed his earpods.


"I said are you fangirling again?"

"Oh my god, I'm not fangirling..!!"

His colleague smirked.

"Of course you aren't."

After his colleague left, Eddy started thinking about what to write back. He initially thought he would write about the collab first but the second part of the message distracted him too much, so he decided he would respond about the songs later and focus on the part that asked him where he was. He ended up with the exact same words he initially typed out.

"I'm in Brisbane too."

He tapped on send.

His phone almost immediately pinged back. Eddy quickly put his phone on silent and checked the reply.

"Let's meet, please."

Oh my god.

Eddy blushed. He was glad his colleague wasn't around to witness him now.

Oh my god this is crazy. Why should I meet up with someone just because I like the sound of his voice and how he sings?

What if he's some kind of psycho ?

Oh c'mon Eddy, you haven't stayed in contact with most of your friends from school nor uni and you rarely go out. It might be nice to meet someone new for a change. And with this guy, at least you have something in common, you both love to sing and your voices are compatible.

...Who the f*ck am I talking to !?!?!?


Eddy looked up.


"Yeah, hi. Nice to meet you."

They had since exchanged a number of messages to arrange to meet up on the weekend for an afternoon coffee.

Brett offered his hand towards Eddy for a handshake. Eddy noticed how Brett's hand was very open as Eddy shyly put out his hand towards Brett's. His hand was significantly smaller than Eddy's but he gave a strong and comforting handshake along with a very friendly smile. He looked so confident.

"Hi.. likewise..."

"..Eddy? are you okay?"

Eddy gave a shy smile.

"Yeah, absolutely. I'm sorry, I'm just a bit nervous."

Brett chuckled.

"Oh, good, so I'm not the only one."

"You're nervous?"

"Heck yeah, I'm sh*tting myself here."

Eddy burst out laughing.

"But you look like you so know what you're doing."

Brett wriggled his eyebrows.

"I'm so just faking it."

As Eddy let out another laugh, he realised his nerves were gone and he now felt at ease with Brett.

They ordered their coffees and started chatting.

"So Brett, how long have you been singing on that app?"

"Um... a few years..? Maybe 4?"

"I noticed you've made more than 10K recordings. Like that is.. insane."

"It adds up quickly if you get lots of people to collaborate with you, those recording also add to your tally, even though you've only recorded it once yourself."

"Oh I see..., still, I just started, so such a large number is very impressive."

"Well, I got really into it for a while when I first started."

Eddy chuckled.

"Man, that's just what I'm going through now."

Brett grinned.

"Yeah, in the beginning, it is terribly addictive."

"So you've eased off a bit now, have you?"

"Sorta. ...Well, till I heard you sing with me."

Eddy widened his eyes.


"Yeah.. I think our voices are really...compatible? I think we sound pretty good together, what do you think?"

"...I agree."

"I found it quite rare... to find someone who sounds so nice with you. It's a really nice feeling. So.. Eddy did you have any formal singing training?"

Eddy was still trying to re-start his heart that stopped from the first part of Brett's statement but forced himself to answer his question.

"Me? Heck no. I'm a complete amateur when it comes to music. Apart from a few years of piano lessons."

Brett smirked.

"So how did you learn how to sing in your falsetto?"

"I used to do it as a joke but I only practised to sing in tune with it when I started singing on that app."

"Really? That's really impressive. I don't think I could sing like that."

" You don't have to. I really like your baritone."

Eddy blurted out, then blushed at how he ended up sounding like a fangirl.

Brett smiled.

"Thanks for the compliment."

"So, um, what about you? Any music training?"

"Not really, I did to a few years of piano and violin but doesn't every Asian kid do that?"

Eddy chuckled.

"Yeah, probably."

"I'm glad I did though because it's helped me heaps with my singing. It's really nice to really get stuck into something that you really enjoy."

"Yeah, I couldn't agree more."

"So... would you like to go karaoke?"

"Um.. yeah, sure. I think that would be great."

To be continued...

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