72. Twoset Wizard II

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After a slight hesitation, Brett mustered up his courage to start the conversation with Eddy.


"Yeah, Brett?"

"...I found out how Kate and Darren were doing."

Eddy shifted his gaze from the TV to his boyfriend's face who was sitting next to him on the sofa.  Eddy raised an eyebrow as he faced Brett. These people that Brett mentioned had toyed with Brett's heart and hurt him in the past.

Eddy would have been perfectly happy to practice some cursing spells on them for hurting someone who was so precious to him.

Since Eddy moved in with Brett as a flatmate years and years ago, he hadn't been getting much time to himself to practice his curses on humans.  Well for starters, for obvious reasons – it was just not the right thing to do as a wizard living in the human's world.  But since Eddy had very good reasons in this instance, he would've been perfectly happy to take up this rare opportunity to practice his wizardry studies that delivered some of the worst consequences....!!

Eddy certainly had the ability to do so, as he was a wizard (Brett, his boyfriend of 3 years did not know this), but Eddy knew that Brett would not have ever wished something bad to happen, even to his worst enemies – he was way too kind-hearted.

It was agonising for Eddy to watch Brett get hurt when all Eddy could do was to be there for him.  Eddy could have easily snapped his fingers and made Kate's perfect skin break out with 1000 zits or make Darren spontaneously ignite (Darren treated Brett worse than Kate did).  Instead, on both occasions, Eddy was Brett's best friend that would stay up till Brett got home and if Brett was ever sad or hurt, Eddy would simply try to comfort him, which eventually won Brett's heart, that was so "Brett" of Brett, that he fell in love with Eddy after all those years when he realised that the person who had always looked out for him, who had just simply been there for him meant the most in the world to him. But up until that point, it had been dark days for Eddy, watching the love of his life leave their shared flat to go out on a date with a girl, coming home heartbroken, or worse was watching Brett go on a date with a guy - initially giving Eddy hope somewhat yet causing excruciating heartache because Brett ended up getting into an extremely toxic relationship with that assh*le - then he had to eventually see Brett come home injured and heartbroken.


Eddy snapped out of his trance.

"..Yes Brett?"

"Eddy, please don't be mad."

Eddy smiled.

"I'm not mad.  Your history is a part of you.  I don't have a problem with you re-visiting it, so long as it doesn't consume you in a bad way."

Brett shuffled uncomfortably on the sofa as he tried to put together his words to say.

"..Look, Eddy, I needed to know how they were.. I didn't want them to.. you know... I.. I initially thought they got what they deserved but that feeling was very short-lived and then I started to feel terrible for even thinking so."

"OMG Brett, look, I totally understand.  I wish you didn't feel guilty for such thoughts though.  It was karma thrown back at them.  And I said the other day that maybe you did that but y'know I'm convinced that it had nothing to do with you.. they were not very nice people period.  It would not surprise me if they've been unkind to other people besides you.  And please, don't feel bad on my account.  I don't want you to.  Okay?"

Eddy had initially suggested that perhaps Brett had a way of "throwing back karma" to those who deserved it. He thought the idea might empower Brett. But he soon realised such an idea would just cause Brett more stress and harm, as Brett just didn't have it in him to want to harm anyone by any means.

"Okay... thank you, Eddy."

"So... how are they?"

"They've both been in remission after 12 months of their diagnosis."

Of course, Eddy already knew this, after all it was Eddy who made this happen by simply clicking his fingers.

"That's good, isn't it?"

"Yes.  I'm glad they are."

"Geez, you amaze me, Brett, you have a heart of gold. Do you know that? Like, you're such a beautiful human being."

Brett looked puzzled and chuckled.

"...? Thanks Eddy. I recogn'  you're a beautiful human being, too."


Eddy once had on his wizardry report card that he occasionally spoke in a slightly non-human manner. He had to work on this if he wanted to continue to live with humans.
Eddy returned a shy smile.

"...Thanks Brett, I do try."

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