62. Twoset Twins II

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Their skydiving simulator ("flying") instructor faced them with a puzzled look.

"...Okay, so which one of you is Brett and which one of you is Brad?"

"I'm Brett."

"I'm Brad."

"...okay, you might have to keep reminding me who is who, please don't take offence if I take a while to get it right."

Brett smiled.

"Not a problem!"

Brad shrugged.

"It's okay, we're used to it."

"So you boys are 11 and want to learn how to fly in the simulator?"

"Yes, well actually I want to do my first real jump when I turn 12!"

"Hmm... Brett, was it ?"

"I looked it up recently and I think most places won't take solo divers till 16."


"But I think some places might take you on a tandem jump before 16."


"Look Brett, I don't think it's a bad idea to go tandem first? In the meantime, we'll train you on a lot of manoeuvres on this simulator till you're the right age, okay?"


A couple of years later

"Hi, I'm here for my friend's 12th birthday party."

"What is your name?"

"Eddy. Eddy Chen."

"Here we are. Your party is meeting in waiting room number 2."

"Thank you."

"Hey Eddy!"

"Hi Jordan, happy 12th birthday!"

"Thanks. Hey, check out those guys."

"Who ? Oh wow."

Eddy initially didn't even notice there were people already inside the simulator he was standing next to. He had to follow Jordan's hand which was pointing towards the top of the sky-diving simulator, which was a large cylinder about the size of a large elevator shaft. And meters and meters above, towards the ceiling of the building, Eddy saw two people in their belly-to-the-ground position, hovering way up high as they were slowly rotating around each other.

The next second, Eddy and Jordan's jaws dropped as they saw the two make a dive towards the floor.

"Oh my god...!!!"

The divers spread out their arms and repositioned themselves back into belly-to-the-ground position just in time to stop them from smashing into the floor. The two 12-year-olds watched in awe as the two flyers hovered back up again, narrowly missing each other.

"Wow... how did they do that?! "

"That was so cool...!! And they don't even look like they're that much older than us Eddy"

"Jordan, look !"

The two flyers were hovering just at Jordan and Eddy's eye level and were doing summersaults after summersaults.

"How the heck do they do that..!?!?"

The next moment the sound of the fan quieted down and Eddy saw the two flyers land their feet back onto the floor of the simulator. Eddy saw one of them wrap their arm around the other as they were laughing together. Eddy and Jordan were standing near the door of the simulator and as the two flyers approached the door, Eddy waved at them and both the flyers waved back in perfect sync. That took Eddy back in surprise. The two flyers were wearing goggles but they did look terribly similar.

"Geez, is it just me or do they really look alike?"

"I'm not sure Eddy, maybe we all end up looking like that when we wear the same goggles and coveralls."

"Yeah maybe."

One of them reached out to the door of the simulator and opened it. They took off their goggles as they walked out through the door of the simulator. Their faces looked identical with matching panda like indentations around their eyes where their goggles were pressed against their face. One of them spoke to Jordan and Eddy.

"Hi guys, you guys are up next for a party, hey?"

Eddy looked at him and the other guy who came out of the simulator. They both looked so young.

"Yeah. You guys were awesome..! How old are you guys?"

"We're 13. In Year 7."

"Wow.. I can't believe you guys are only a year older than us... you guys looked so cool."

The one that spoke to them smiled.

"Thanks. We've had a lot of practice."

"Is it scary?"


The boy flashed a friendly smile.

"No, it's not scary, it's a lot of fun. I can't wait till I can do the real thing"

"The real thing?"

"Yeah. Y'know. Jumping out of a real aeroplane and do a skydive."


Eddy thought the boys from the simulator were so grown up.

Maybe I'll do that one day too, when I grow up..

"So, um, is he.. your friend?"

"Nah, he's my brother. We're twins."

The boy hugged his brother and squished cheeks together."

"Agh, quit it bro."

"He's a bit shy."

Eddy smiled.

"Hey Eddy, we've been asked to gather in the waiting room!"

Eddy turned around towards Jordan.

"Okay! I'm coming."

Eddy turned back towards the boy.

Well, it was nice meeting you."

"Likewise. Hope you enjoy the flight party."

And so Eddy and Brett parted after a very brief encounter, when Brett was barely a high school student and Eddy still in primary school, only to be reunited 15 years later on a real sky-dive.


A/N: Thank you for reading this story. If you would like to read the sequel of this story, please go to Chapter 33 (Twoset Sky-divers) and Chapter 35 (Twoset Sky-divers II) of this book.

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