87. Twoset Searchers

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Eddy and Brett were colleagues for a database company.  They were both searchers and their job was to help their clients who subscribed to their database, find the information they wanted.

Brett put his client's call on hold and swivelled around on his chair to face Eddy who was sitting in the booth behind him.  Brett removed his phone headset and hooked it around his neck as he spoke to his colleague.

"Excuse me Eddy, I've got this client who's after a market research report about popular soft drinks and I need a better keyword...."

Eddy turned away from his computer monitor and turned towards Brett.  Without missing a beat, he replied.

"Beverage? Refreshment?"

Brett clicked his fingers.

"...that's the one.  Thanks."

Brett placed his headphones back onto his head and returned to his client's call.

"Excuse me Eddy, I've got a client after clinical trial papers about Viagra.."

"For which medical condition, Brett?"

"...What do you mean ?"

"Well, viagra was originally developed for hypertension and a cardiac condition...I think it was angina."

"For real ? So you mean for high blood pressure and heart disease ?"

"Yah.  Then they discovered it was really good at bringing and retaining blood flow to certain extremities and applications were made for older men to use it for...."

"Oh my god"

"It also proved good for a similar problem for some women who..."

Brett covered his ears and started howling.

"Okay, okay, that's too much information....!!  Geez, Eddy, it never ceases to amaze me how smart you are."

Eddy shifted uncomfortably in his seat and waved his hand.

"Bah, I'm not."

"Whaddyamean?  It's like every time I ask you a question you know the answer.  Like, how did you know all the medical conditions Viagra catered for?"

"Oh, I just like to read about stuff.. every time I look up something."

"Hmm... I suppose that's like pRaCtIcInG being a searcher..."

"I suppose.  Yeah, exactly.  I just like pRaCtIcInG.  And honestly, I'm not any smarter than you, I just happen to know this particular fact before you did."

Brett looked at Eddy.

Eddy looked back and Brett and smiled.

"So now that you know too, we're the same."

It never ceased to amaze Brett how Eddy could knock him out with words.  And Eddy seemed to have no idea what he was doing.

Eddy and Brett finished their shift and left their building.

"Eddy, can we stop over at the hardware store?"

"Of course."

They were car-sharing and today it was Eddy's turn to drive.  Eddy pulled into the carpark of the hardware store.

A friendly-looking guy greeted them at the front of the store as they entered.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, what brings you here today ?"

Brett answered.

"Hi, I'd like to buy an electric drill."

"Sure, over here, thanks.  Here is our range..."

Brett looked lost in front of the huge choice of hardware equipment.

"Oh my god I'm sooooo confused."

"Well sir, what is your price range..?"

Just as Brett was about to answer, Eddy interjected.

"Um.. excuse me, Brett, mate, why do you want a hole?  Where do you want it?  What's the material of what you want to drill the hole in?  How big do you want your hole to be?"

Brett looked at Eddy and rattled off his answers.

The shop assistant exclaimed.

"Oh...!  You won't need an electric drill for that, you can just use one of these things.....this way please."

The shop assistant led them to a separate section of the store.

As Brett followed the shop assistant, he turned his face towards Eddy and mouthed out.

"What the hell just happened ?"

Eddy shrugged.

The shop assistant took them to a section of the store where they sold adhesive hooks.

"These will make your job so much easier.  Just clean the surface and stick these bits on, then here's the accessory you use to get the job you want done."

Brett gave a smile of relief.

"Really?  Wow this is great, so easy, thank you!!"

Brett made his purchase and as the two boys left the hardware shop and were back in the car park, Brett called out to Eddy.

"So, I'm gonna ask you again Eddy, what the hell just happened in there ?"

Eddy shrugged again as they approached his car and he unlocked the car door.

"Brett, look, what exactly did you want when you walked into that store?"

"I wanted an electric drill."

"No, you didn't."

Brett had sat down in the passenger seat.  He turned to look at Eddy in surprise.

"I didn't !?"

Eddy turned on the car engine.

"No.  You wanted a hole."

Brett burst out laughing.

Eddy turned his head a bit towards Brett as he glanced up into his rearview mirror.

"Actually Brett, turned out you only thought you wanted a hole but didn't need one."

Brett continued to giggle.

"I guess not."

Eddy turned to Brett and smiled.

"So, Brett, I just asked the right questions."

Brett replied in awe.

"Oh my god Eddy, you certainly did."

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