39. Twoset Pest Controllers

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Brett was pacing around his office. He knew Eddy was going to arrive any moment.

He told himself that even though he really didn't want to do what he had to do, he had no option not to do what he had to do – if that made any sense.


That was Brett's groan when he felt frustrated.

There was knock on the door.

Brett quickly sat down at his desk. He then rubbed his face like a raccoon a few times before suddenly shifted his facial expression to his signature dead-pan. He took in a deep breath in and answered with his calmest sounding voice.

"Come in."

The door opened very slowly, followed by Eddy poking his head in.

"Hi Brett, you wanted to see me?"

Brett looked up from his desk and smiled.

"Yes Eddy, thank you for coming in early for our little meeting. Please sit down."

"No problem, thanks"

Eddy was in the same khaki uniform as Brett, with the logo "Dead Set Pest Control".


"Yes Brett?"

"I know you've just started with us 2 days ago and..."


"I'm really sorry, but I have to let you go."

"..I am sorry?"

"I don't think you are suited for this job and I am letting you go."


Eddy put his hands through his hair.

"Look, Eddy, this is not a reflection of you as a person. Your first impression and interview was great"


"Yes Eddy. But..."


"We are a pest control service. We just can't employ someone who has katsaridaphobia."

"...What's that ?"

"The fear of cockroaches."


"To be honest, I'm baffled as to why you applied with us."

"Well... I was hoping I wouldn't have to actually encounter any while I was on the job. And we're actually controlling them, yeah? So then once I do the job, I thought I wouldn't be seeing them either."

"I see... but Eddy, you saw some when you came out on a job with me yesterday, yeah? And you screamed at the top of your lungs, started to hyperventilate and you pushed me out of the way to bolt out the door."

"I'm really sorry about that Brett..."

"Look Eddy, you seem like a really nice guy. If we were in a different business, I think you'd be great to work with. But I really can't keep you on the books with your... condition."

"I understand.. I'm really sorry about yesterday and I'm also sorry for wasting your time."

"Please don't apologise, you can't help it if you have a phobia. I do hope you will find another job that is more suitable for you."

"Thanks Brett. Um.. I'll come back in a couple of days to return this uniform I'm wearing, yeah?"

"That would be great, thanks Eddy."

Eddy left Brett's office.

I mean, this is crazy, right? I can't keep him no matter how nice, really nice,  he seems... 

Brett had a couple more days to ponder whether to ask Eddy out when he returned to return the company uniform.

To be continued...

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