189. Twoset Sleeptalkers

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Eddy yawned as he grumbled;

"..Good morning ...Brett"

Brett groaned. He rolled over, grabbing the whole bundle of the bedsheet, blanket and dooner and rolled himself up into it like a spiral bread roll. Eddy wailed.

"OMG Brett, that's mean. I'm cold now. Gimme some back."

Brett replied curtly.

"No. You don't deserve any."

Eddy's eyes widened in surprise.


It was still very early in their relationship. The two have been best friends since their early teens but had only started to take their friendship to the next level in their late 20s.

Brett turned around. He looked like a hermit crab in an oversized shell.

"Eddy, you sleeptalk so much, you just keep yacking on all this gibberish and it was so loud, I couldn't sleep at all."

Eddy huffed indignantly.

"WTF, I heard you yacking away too! You were so noisy, I was so tempted to wake you and tell you off..."

"Oh c'mon no frickin' way I could be louder than you!"

"You were so!"

"You've never complained before when we used to have sleepovers!!"

"Well, neither have you!?!?"

They stopped and stared at each other. Eddy broke the silence first.

"Look, Brett I'm sorry.. if you say I was loud in bed I suppose I was."

Brett blushed.

"Oh my god Eddy that didn't come out right, you gotta be careful with what you say!!"

"Huh? What? Oh sh*t."

Eddy blushed and Brett giggled. Brett then proceeded to unwrap himself from all the bedding he had hogged before.

"I'm sorry too. I guess I must have been noisy too if you say so. And I'm sorry for letting you get cold. Here."

As Eddy snuggled beside his partner as the bedding was placed back on top of him, he remembered something.

"Hey Brett, didn't we buy a voice-activated recorder for when we attended workshops? Maybe we could set that and record ourselves.. we could then definitely tell who sleeptalks louder?"

"Hmm. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I'm sure it's in the desk drawer in the studio with the rest of our older equipment."

"I'll try to find it today Brett."

"Yesssss, brownie points for our sporadic moments of organisation brilliance, doesn't happen often enough but every now and again we decide to put things back where it's easily found!!"

Eddy brought over a device he had wrapped in a dust cloth and he wiped it down.

"So you found it in the old equipment drawer?"

"Yeah Brett, just as you said."

"Okay, Brett, ready to go to sleep? I'm setting the recorder now.. actually before I do... I'm just gonna let you know you gotta watch what you say once I set this.."

Brett jokingly scoffed.

"Heh, you watch what you say, Eddy."

"WTF I was referring to what you might say before we fall asleep."

"Huh? So I can't talk to you before we fall asleep?"

"I mean, you can. Just not certain talk is probably best not...It's just that.. Um.. I.. don't think we can make any... noise..if you get what I mean.. cos, um.. it's activated by sound and will record any noises we make.. so..."

The penny finally dropped in Brett's head.

"Oh sh*t. No f*cking way, it's gonna be impossible for you to keep quiet Eddy."

Eddy raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah, you."

Eddy scoffed.

"Iiiiii beg to differ!? You should worry about yourself having this thing capture some incriminating evidence that comes out of your pretty mouth Brett, not mine."

Brett rolled his eyes, then looked back at Eddy.

"...That almost sounds like a challenge Eddy."

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"And what exactly are you thinking of challenging me with Brett!?"

They stared at each other as they lay side by side. The next second they both screamed out simultaneously as they cringed.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, I can't do this!!!"

"OMG who started this dumb conversation!? Please let's just drop it right now!!!"

Feeling so embarrassed and awkward, once they turned on the recording device, they each silently curled up at the opposite sides of the bed and fell asleep without uttering a word.

The following morning Brett thought he had woken up first as usual. He still felt sleepy, tired and grumpy.

"Eddy is just so..."

Eddy who had his back against Brett turned around as he mumbled.

"Just so what?"

Brett widened his eyes as he quickly responded;


Eddy smirked.

"I didn't think the tone of your voice was leading up to that word."

"You were loud last night again."

"F*ck Brett, so were you."

"Was I!?!?"

Eddy got up onto his elbows.

"We've got proof now, let's have a listen to the recording."

Eddy pressed the play button.

After listening for 5 minutes, Brett pressed the stop button.

Brett turned to face Eddy. Eddy was in shock.

"F*ck..Brett, that was too weird..."

"Eddy...I.. I don't understand.. how are we having a conversation while we're asleep?"

"I don't know Brett. ...Are we like in each other's dreams or something?"

"I.. I dunno.. But Eddy, I don't remember dreaming any of this stuff.. do you?"

"No.. it almost sounds like we're dreaming the same dream or visiting each other's dreams..?"

"Can you play that bit again?"

"Eddieeee--- my ...nation---"

"Your whaaaat...?"

"My intonaaaation----- it suuuuuux"


"It's okaaaaay I love you anywaaaaaaay."

"Stop thaaaaaat Eddieeeeeyou're toooooooooo sexy and distractiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing----"

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