Twenty nine

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She took a deep breath...
The cold gun was heavy in her hands...
quietly, she closes her left eye and aims in on the target ahead of her.
This was her first time holding such a deadly weapon with her bare hands... the real thing was nothing like what you saw in the movies.
They were way heavier and way more real... they were death itself to her..
Angela takes another deep breath and poke out loudly: " you can do this.... it's just a stupid target..." her voice was shaky, but her hands were as steady as steel.
Her fingers were resting upon the trigger... all she had to do was to press it...
" Angela... you know I don't like this." McCree's voice suddenly appears behind her. There was no use in trying. She quietly lowers the gun and puts it away as she turns to face him.
" I have to be a part of this... I have to find Genji" she replies, knowing very well that neither he nor Reyes approved of her actions.
" but you've always wanted to save lives! Not take them!" McCree replies.
Angela went silent. It was true... she had sworn to herself to never take a life... that's why she even had wanted to become a doctor in the first place, she had wanted to be out there saving them...
" My goal is to save his life..." the world came out as a whisper. McCree was close enough to hear them and knew very well that this wasn't easy for her... neither was it for him...
" Lucio called me today... he, Hanna, Mei, Bap and Lena thinks that we were in a car accident and believes that we're in the hospital..." McCree tells her, hoping to see a smile cross her face.
She stood here quietly.
" I hope they're safe... Talon might find out that they were friends of Genji as well.. shouldn't blackwatch do something about that...?" Angela mumbles as she turns to leave the room.
" Angela wait.." McCree started following her as she was leaving the room.
" Angela... I know you really want to be a part of this... but I honestly don't think you should! There's a better way of doing things!" McCree grabs hold of her arm and stops her.
Her first reaction would be to get angry at him, but she knew he was right...
" I'm not going to step down... not until Genji is safe."
McCree looked her in the eyes. She wasn't going to stop.

" we we're supposed to have a Gaming night!" Hanna bursts out as she and Lucio entered the classroom to professor Ana.
" yeah... but I mean... they haven't been to school for days.. I don't think we should badger them" Lucio replies.
He knew Hana had been excited about this, but he also knew that something wasn't right anymore. He didn't exactly know what... but the atmosphere around them had somehow changed.
Angela, Genji and Jesse hadn't been to school lately, and he's heard a rumor that Akande and his gang has been very absent lately. He felt the urge to go over to McCree's house later that day when he got home from school, but he had a bad feeling about it.
He had tried to call Genji multiple times though, but his phone kept sending him to voicemail... whatever was going on... he wanted to be a part of it.. but he wouldn't dare to interfere with anything if it were against their will...

Even Hana had noticed the absence of Genji, Angela and McCree lately. It almost felt something was missing from her life and the fact that there was an empty space in their friend group made the atmosphere at school much more different...
But she truly missed them. Whatever was going on... she hoped they were okay.

Some more few days passed as Genji was spending hours upon hours in his given room, doing nothing but look out through the window of the room. Every now and then, someone would bring him something to eat, but somehow, his mind had convinced his body that it wasn't hungry.
It kinda scared him, but then he didn't want anything from Talon anyway.
He knew big plans were being laid... he had no idea to what would happen to him soon, but it seems like they're having a hard time..
Was Hanzo there to kill him...? Or was he actually going to let him live...?
No way... the elders of the Shimada clan has ordered his death... and that means it had to be done.
The skies outside were turning really dark by every minute that passed. By the look of it, Genji could tell that another rainy storm was coming.
Even though it was soon summer, the weather had been quite bad lately, it didn't hint towards a warm sunny summer. But then again... this was probably just unlucky timing from him. The weather just reflected how he was feeling right now, lost and hopeless.
Then the door to his room opens and two men enters the room. Genji wasn't sure how long he had been in this huge hotel, but it had to be more than two weeks. Or at least felt like it.
" it's time to leave kid, this is your last night here with us" the tallest of the men spoke and calmly walks over to him. Genji took the hint and slowly got to his feet as the men came closer. He knew they weren't going to hurt him, but their presence made him feel uncomfortable no matter what.
The guards walked up to him, and gently grabbed both of his hands and cuffed them. Genji took a deep breath and quietly followed the men who now was leading him out of the room.
Just like the time he had arrived here, they lead him towards the same elevator he had used before. Two more guards stood by the door, awaiting for them.
No sign of Hanzo anywhere..
However... there was one person he did recognize among the guards... a face he wished he hadn't known...
Akande stood awkwardly next to Genji, trying really hard to not look at him or sow any kind of emotion towards him. He knew Genji recognized him, but he also didn't say anything to him. That alone somehow made him feel really guilty... he truly hated this feeling, but he had chosen his side... Talon was his new family now... his father was finally proud of him and he had a secure and good paying job for his future.
But... would his mother be proud of him if she saw how he had turned out...? That he wasn't sure of.
The elevator doors closes behind them and the room goes completely silent. Akande slowly allowed himself to sneakily look at Genji who to his relief, but also his disappointment, was just looking down to his feet...
Genji's facial expression made his stomach hurt.. or was it his hear who hurt..? At least it didn't make him feel good about himself..
It was almost like he had... given up or had no hope left.
As they finally reached the final floor, Akande took a deep breath before he gently grabs hold of Genji's arm and leads him out of the elevator and towards the underground parking lot. The lot wasn't that big, and just by the look of it, Akande knew this place wasn't meant for the hotel guests, but for the boss himself.
A huge black car was waiting for them. Multiple car were the, but it was obvious that this one car was meant for Genji to ride in.

" I will take him from here" A voice spoke, coming from behind them. Genji didn't have to turn and look to know who it was... this voice belongs to no other but his brother Hanzo. The guards took some few steps away and allowed Hanzo to take over.
Genji expected him to grab him by his hair or do anything that would cause pain to him, but instead, Hanzo calmly put an arm around his younger brother and quietly walked him over to the car.
Genji wished he would have hurt him instead.. because this calmness scared him even more.
He could feel his own heart beat faster and faster by Hanzo's presence.
This didn't use to happen before... he had once thought of his brother as a hero, a icon, someone he adored, but now... all he could feel was his fear towards him..

" I know this isn't a very good thing for you... but it's been decided. You're coming home with me.. and the elders of the clan will give you a proper trail of your actions. There won't be any kind rescue Genji, your friends, Blackwatch... that Guy who helped you escape, they won't be there to stop us. They have no right to, and tonight, the whole crime gang of Talon will escort your car to the airport where the two of us and Antonio will travel with us home. Yes, Antonio and Talon will join us, for they have agreed on joining The Shimada clan and work together with us."
The door to the car closes as both he and Hanzo enters the car. Genji doesn't reply to all of what Hanzo had just said. What was there to say...? He had said everything.. when they got home back to Japan, he was gonna have a trail... held by the elders of the clan...

And honestly... they had already decided on what to do.

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