Thirty eigth

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" so... tomorrow at this exact time?" Ana spoke as she pointed down onto the map before them.
" and this exact location?" She again spoke without expecting a reply.
Hanzo quietly nods.
" yes, right there... but at that time... everyone is gone be there... I suggest you get him out tonight. It would be your best shot and less people would stand in your way..." Hanzo replied. His English was to somewhat level poor, but Ana didn't have a problem understanding him.
" I see... even so... tonight would be an obvious time to strike as well.. so I don't think that would be a good idea..." she mumbled a reply as she studied the map.
Angela was quietly sitting up agains Reyes who also had been sitting there unusually quiet. Angela had the feeling that he was feeling the same way about Hanzo the way she also did. Uncomfortable... but also angry. This guy wasn't trustable at all... why is Ana even listening to him!? Wasn't he the one who basically kidnapped Genji!?
" sunrise" Reyes suddenly spoke up, not showing any sign of interest.
" if there's a perfect time to strike, then it would be at sunrise. The guards are exhausted from night duties and new guards are about to come. Witch means, for a brief moment, we have a chance to get in without much trouble" Reyes seemed calm. To Angela, he seemed a bit to calm ...
" that actually... Is a good point.." Hanzo replied, feeling almost stupid for not realizing.
" but then, we must hurry, because it's not that long until the sun is rising." Ana shoot in.
" and please... don't let the kids be a part of the break in..." Reyes spoke as he now stood up.
" what!!? No you have to let me help!" Angela yelled angrily.
" no! I can't allow it!" He replied, not seeming to calm anymore.
" you have too! I can't just sit here!" Angela yelled back, not accepting this at all.

" w..we're not coming along!?" McCrees voice suddenly came from the other end of the room as the voices were raising and silence wasn't possible to contain.
" actually..." Hanzo spoke up, raising his hand to sign that he wants to speak.
" it would actually like them to help... Their presence may actually be just perfect."
" what do you mean? How does that even make sense?" Reyes angrily replied.
" think about it, they are young, with talon and their agents within the walls of the Shimada castle, they wouldn't get suspected! Most are young, they would blend in" Hanzo calmly spoke, looking over at both Angela and McCree. Angela had her eyes on him, studying his face for any sign of suspension... but all she could see was an older and more exhausted version of Genji...
" they are kids!" Reyes burst out.
" then why in the world did you guys even bring them here in the first place!" Hanzo replied, almost loosing his calmness.
Reyes angrily didn't reply as he knew Hanzo had a good point.
" please... let us try, we really want to do something to help Genji... if something happens to him... and all I did was standing on the sideline, letting it happen... then I would never be able to forgive myself"
Angela went silent for a long time after that... in fact, everyone got really quiet until Ana broke the silence my getting up from her seat.
" okay fine... for once... we will let you participate.."
" Ana no!" Reyes called out to her.
" Yes Gabriel! If they actually wants to help... then let's give them a chance.. maybe they're actually what we need right now to get your son out of there." She replied.
It wasn't often that someone could shut down Reyes, but if there was someone who could, then it had to be Ana...
When Reyes didn't reply anymore, she turned towards Angela and McCree who was quietly watching them.
" get ready... this will be your first and official blackwatch mission.

When it happened... he felt the liquid enter...
Even as a kid, he never really liked syringes or pointy stuff, but unlike many kids, he learned to face his fear...
After all the training with swords and dangerous weapons, this kind of fear wasn't a thing anymore... but then again... this was poison... and not medical help.. and a slow death is the worst kind of death..

The guards were heavily guarding the doors and every angle of his room... nothing or no one was to come in except the elders.
He was laying on the bed. Did it matter anymore...? He had lost all hope long ago... but something inside of him had wanted to keep hoping... but now... even if he was to leave this hell alive... he would still die..
he could also feel his body slowly change.. his temperature was slowly rising... his head was feeling a little by little heavier, and he felt the strength of his body slowly fade. It was almost like his body wanted to sleep...
but this was an early stage of the poison... what would come later..?

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