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" no! Don't you dare tell anyone!" Angela angrily covers Genji's mouth.
Currently, they were walking down the small hallway towards the nursing room.
" You can't let that man hurt you! Angela, you need to tell someone! Get help!" Genji replies, not agreeing with her at all.
" if I tell anyone, then they will take me away from him, take me away from this place and put me in an orphanage! He's the only family I got left!" She tells him.
" but he's hurting you!" Genji wasn't going to allow this. How dare anyone hurt Angela? She was the kindest human on earth!
" Angela! Are you even listening to yourself!? He's hurting you!" Genji replies.
" I just got in his way! He was drunk! Calm down Genji! Please!" She grabs his shirt and forces him to stop.
" don't tell anyone... not a soul... and not the nurse. I ran into a pole alright..? They don't need to know the truth." Angela stares up at him, begging him to agree.
Genji shakes his head in defeat. He couldn't force her to do this...
" alright... alright I won't tell anyone... but you have to promise me this... if you feel unsafe or you're in trouble again... you call me. I'm serious Angela! I'm not going to allow him to ever hurt you again! If he's trying to, you run! Run to this address" he then pulls out his notebook from his bag and writes down the address to his place. He then tears out the paper from his notebook and handed it over to her.
" if he's drunk again... you come straight here.. I'm serious.."
Angela didn't meet his gaze. She couldn't bring herself to. She had never told anyone about her struggles at home.. and she hadn't tended to do so... but unlike so many others... Genji had managed to look through her barriers.
" Angela... please" Genji lays a hand onto her shoulder. He had never thought that Angela was having problems at home... she was always happy around him and her friends, she always cared about others.. nothing on her face gave away any signs of distress... or at least not until today.
" okay... " she whispers and tries her best to hold back her tears. She had never seen Genji this mad before... he had never been this strong in front of her...
She was fighting hard to hold back the tears, but when Genji gently pulls her into his embrace, she couldn't hold them back anymore. Quietly, she allows herself to dig her face into Genji's shirt, letting her tears flow. She wasn't used to this kind of kindness... his strong arms around her made her feel... important...
Genji had never held a girl this way before... neither had he thought he ever would...  he didn't use to be this caring around anyone back in Hanamura ... but it felt right.. he could hear her soft sobs escape her as they stood there. It broke his heart to hear her cry.. but he was there for her.. if she needed to let it out.. then he would be glad to help her with it...
He remembered how Reyes had cared for him after he had saved his life.. he couldn't remember much from what happened... but he wouldn't have gotten through it without his savior...
The bell suddenly goes off and the doors to different classrooms flies open as waves of students happily leaves the class to find their way towards their lockers. Angela slowly lets go  of Genji and and tries to cover her face up with her hair to hide the fact that she had cried.
" wait.." Without hesitating, he pulls his hoodie of and gently hands it to Angela who just stands there staring at him in disbelief.
" put it on... use the hoodie to cover yourself instead of your hair.. it's less obvious. And the chances of you being recognized are lower." He gently smiles down at her and she shyly nods. Angela was glad Genji was wearing a T-shirt underneath his hoodie, it would be a bit weird if he stood before her without anything to cover  himself up with. Not that it was a big problem, but she wasn't used to boys.., the only man she had seen shirtless in her life was her uncle, and he was an evil drunk...
Gently, she accepts the hoodie and puts it on. It was way to big for her, and her hands were to short to reach the edge of the sleeves, but it didn't badger her, in fact, it was perfect.
" sorry if it's smelling bad or something..." Genji mumbles a bit ashamed as he hadn't thought of it. Angela couldn't help but giggle a little.
" it doesn't." She didn't say it out loud, but the hoodie smelled like Genji... safe and cute..

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