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The bell rang, informing the class that school was over for today, and that the students were allowed to leave their classes. the hallways were crowded with students, hurrying to get home or whatever they were planning on to do after school. Genji had been one of the last kids to leave the classroom as the bell rang. His last subject had been science, witch had turned out quite boring. He knew nobody in this class as both Lúcio and Angela had separate subjects at this time.
He had to admit that his first day here at this school hadn't turned out to be as terrible as he had thought it would, even though science had been really boring. He was a bit surprised at the fact that he had actually made some very few new friends, witch actually was surprisingly both him and Reyes. To be honest, in the beginning, he had wanted to just turn into a dark shadow and just sit in a corner alone trying to avoid any kind of human contact, him also being scared to be spotted by some of his fathers agents. Of course, none of them would be a student here at this school, but after everything he had been through... he had thought it would be best to just hide and be unnoticed. But these people... somehow... he felt something being around them. Angela.. she had been so kind to him, and Lúcio was already treating him like a brother. They... they made him feel welcome here.

" well someone seems to be in a good mood" Reyes spoke as he noticed Genji walk out of the school, towards their car.
" it was... better than I expected it to be.." Genji shyly admits and Gabriel chuckled as he rubbed the young boys hair.
" I'm happy you like it here. Now why don't we get home and get you something to eat, huh? I bet you're hungry after a whole day of school." Reyes chuckles as he opens the door to the car to let Genji enter.
The car wasn't big, just a simple family car, colored in back, but Reyes liked it and thought of it as cool. Genji took the seat next to Reyes and quietly watched his godfather start up the car as they now were heading home.
Their house weren't to far away from overwatch high, perhaps 5 minutes by car and 10 minutes away if you rode a bike. 20 minutes if you walked. Genji of course didn't know the way to school, but luckily he could just take the school buss instead, witch was a better idea at all times.
However, the two of them hadn't been living in this town for long. Officially, they had moved in only two days ago as the house they now owned was among the few ones that were for sale lately. Neither had Reyes been planning on becoming a godfather for a boy who was being haunted by an evil Japanese empire, But he knew this was the right thing to do, to protect the boy and give him a normal teenager life, at least as normal as it possibly could get.
He knew Genji was still unsure of him and he couldn't blame him. After all, his own family had tried to kill him, and that only being a month ago.
If Reyes hadn't been around, there had been no chance of Genji being alive today, and Reyes wouldn't have become a father, witch to him was a little weird. Something they both had to get used to.
But he wanted Genji to trust him, to know that he was safe. To know that he would do anything in his power to protect him. After all, he had been allowed by Blackwatch to take him in and put him under their protection at any cost, as he later could be of use in taking down the Shimada empire. He was the leaders son after all... but he didn't want to force anything onto Genji's shoulders. His main priority was to keep him safe.
" here we are! Home sweet home"
Reyes stoped the car and looked over at Genji, giving him a warm smile. Yes, yes he know it's unusual of him to treat another human with such kindness, and he usually never did, but this kid was something different. Even though Genji wasn't his biological son, he still cared for him as he was his own.

Genji sat in the seat next to him quietly, not moving. Reyes quietly put a hand on his shoulder, making Genji turn his head to look at him.
" don't worry kid.. I'm here to protect you" he smiled. Genji quietly nods. He knew he was, but still, he was scared deep down. Reyes was only human... humans can fail..
" what ... what if they find me...?" Genji whispers, quietly lowering his head in fear.
" what if they hurt you too..?"
Reyes shook his head, slowly warping his arm around Genji.
" Nah,they're not going to hurt me, or you alright? The whole Blackwatch is keeping an eye out for the Shimada clan and overwatch high is doing anything to keep you safe. You have no reason to worry, and whenever you feel like you need to be picked up from school, I will come alright? Just give me a call. You still have the phone I got you?" Reyes spoke.
Genji slowly nods and pulls out his new phone from his pocket, holding it up for him to see.
It was a special made phone for him, witch had  trackers inside so Reyes could always know where to find Genji, in case something would happened.
" good, now keep that phone on you at all times and don't forget it, alright? Now why don't we head inside, shall we?" Reyes opened the door to the car and stepped out, Genji doing the same and together they both entered the house.
The hallway and the living room were full of unpacked boxes from Reyes previous home, most of the stuff being normal kitchen supplies, or all kinds of useless things one could find in a house. Genji quietly walked past them all, not offering any of them a look as he knew he had nothing that belonged to him. All he had left was a T-shirt he had been wearing that day when everything had changed, and a katana that Reyes had found, not to far away from Genji's location.
It was in their basement at the moment. Reyes had quickly noticed it being a problem for Genji to be around it, so he decided to keep it locked up in the basement until Genji himself decided it was time to take it out. He wasn't sure why Genji had a problem being around it, but when he had found him in a pile of blood, the sword had only been some meters away from him, totally covered in blood, so he had his own theory. But the sword belonged to Genji, that he had confirmed himself.
" I ordered some Chinese food for us, hope you don't mind. If you want I can order a pizza if you don't like it." Reyes yelled from the kitchen as Genji had just entered the living room. There wasn't much in there, just a sofa and a half way packed out tv, otherwise, the room were full of boxes.
" I don't mind Chinese" he replied and sat down into the sofa, bringing his legs up to his chest. As he sat there, he let out a sigh and stared blankly out into the room. Exhausted would be the perfect word to describe him now. Not just exhausted from school and meeting new people, but exhausted from everything. He still couldn't bring himself to rest... and he was always having this urge to look back, just to make sure he wasn't being followed by his brother... or anyone from the clan for that matter. Everything had changed. He no longer had the safety behind the walls of the Shimada castle, he no longer had an older brother to look up to, he no longer had his friends around.. he was a disgrace to his family... he had no peace anymore... he would never be safe anywhere...
" here.." Reyes now stood above him, looking down at his newly kinda adopted son who he had swore to protect. He held out a box of noodles, waiting for Genji to accept it.
" thank you.." Genji mumbled as he took it from him. Reyes then went back to the kitchen only to return a minute later with a glass of water and his medication.
" here.. remember to take one of these everyday, it helps your wounds to heal faster." He held out the cup and the medicine to him and Genji took it.
" I thought they were supposed to come next week.."Genji spoke as he swallowed down the medication with the water.
" yeah, but they actually managed to send them, witch actually is a surprise. But don't worry, I've made sure they're not sent from anyone else. They're all safe"
This forced a small smile to his face.
" if they were poisonous, I think I would be dead by now"
Reyes laughed and rubes his green hair at his comment. " not on my watch kid. I will kill anyone who dares to lay a finger on you." He chuckled and grabbed his own box of Chinese noodles.
" well eat up kid, we have a lot to do around here, and I won't be able to do it all alone" Genji nods and eats up what he had left in his box. Finally he could do something that wasn't just sitting on a sofa and stare into nowhere. He was also lucky that he hadn't been assigned any homework for tomorrow, witch meant he had all afternoon to help Gabriel organize the house, witch really needed a change.
"Finally something to do"

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